xxxi. "instagram live"

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"Hey, guys! I just finished a scene and everyone else except Mads is filming, so I'm going to start an Instagram live in 5 minutes!!"

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"Hey, guys! I just finished a scene and everyone else except Mads is filming, so I'm going to start an Instagram live in 5 minutes!!"


psyche started a live stream! watch it before it ends!


"Hiiiiii guys!"

(comments started piling up as soon as the Instagram live had started)

user1 omg hi i love u!
user2 what episode will roxanne come back?
user3 where's madeleine?
user4 why werent u in the first half of riverdale?

"I wasn't in the first half because I had to film a movie, and I was also busy with my music. I was ecstatic when they said I was going to be in the second half of the show. I'm excited as to how Roxanne is going to fit in all of the drama going on."

(the comments and replies continued to come, and she read through them to look for questions to answer)

user5 r u and tom dating?
user6 how did u, lisa, and nat become besties?

"Oh! Lisa and I became friends first when she was in Sam and Cat and I was in Girl Meets World. We met in Kids' Choice Awards in 2014, then we became best friends after that. Sam and Cat ending meant that she was leaving Nick, and I was just starting in Disney, and we were kind of like... the Romeo and Juliet of kids' shows."

"As for Nat and I, we were both in Disney, and she was in Liv and Maddie. I was... obsessed with that show and I was kind of like a fan, then I met her, we took a picture, then we became close after that, and then best friends."

"The three of us became best friends when I found out that they knew each other, then we all hung out all the time after that. Last 2016, actually, they were both in Hairspray Live. You bet your tushy that I watched and supported the hell out of them for that."

user7 where's madeleineeeeee?

"Mads is right here actual— Madeleine!"


"They want you in the Instagram live!"

"Oooooooh. Wait."

(madeleine was soon in the live, waving at the fans who were watching)

"Hey guys!"

"Madeleine's here! Yaaaay!

"Jesus, you're a child."

(madeleine laughed at psyche before she read theough the comments to look for something to talk about)

user8 hey mads, do you ship choni?
user9 what do you think about tyche?

"I ship Choni, yes. What I think about Tyche? Damn."

(psyche turned her head to madeleine, moving away from the shot of the phone to mouth 'Don't spill anything')

(madeleine laughed once again and lightly shook her head)

"Okay, okay, Tyche is a wonderful ship. Like, hella hella friendship goals."

user10 where's psyche? why did she move away when tyche was asked?
user11 ha! i bet she's just as sick of tyche as everyone else
user12 user11 lol everyone loves tyche shut up

"Owwww-kay! Hey guys, I just did something, hi!"

"Psycheeeeeeeee! You've got flowers from Toooooooom!"

(both psyche and madeleine looked at each other after hearing camila call out from outside the trailer)

user13 omg what?!?!
user14 wait is tom there?!
user15 isnt tom back in london?
user16 omg did tom send flowers to psyche omg i love this friendship
user17 user16 lol or relationship HAHAH

"Guuuuuuys! Sorry, we have to end this, but we're about to do something now and... yeah! Thanks for staying with us and I would probably do this again next time. Byeeeee!"



hiii sooo sorry if this is short but it's actually fun to make HAHAHA.

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