18 | permanent mistakes?

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18 | permanent mistakes?

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18 | permanent mistakes?

18 | permanent mistakes?

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No. no you're-you're unlike anything I've ever seen.

Elijah Zakharovich had said those words to Jade Tullis during the first conversation they ever had. Maybe that was what had made her heart crash wildly against her ribcage every time she saw him.

Maybe it was when he'd said that he wouldn't ever hurt her, or when he'd said that they'd be together forever.

She truly believed that he wouldn't leave her. She never imagined it would be her who would, or at least be forced to leave him.

So when she woke up with a killing headache and on a bed, she thought it would be Eli that was sleeping next to her.

Not the blonde haired naked stranger that was holding her tightly by the waist, breathing softly in his sleep.

The white linen covers of the bed were thrown on the both of them, revealing just their naked upper body, the sheet dangerously covering the naked strangers hips.

She looked around in a daze, not fully grasping the situation, the hideous hangover taking seize of her blonde brain.

Eli. Fuck. Oh my god. I'm so sorry. What have I done?

Her heart was thrashing around, inside her rib cage. She feared that her heart might actually just come out.

I was in a club. The normal club we go to. With Grey and Lisa. It's Sunday.

Considering she wasn't in the club, they must have gone to a hotel. At least that's what she thought. The white sheets, the room, bare of any furniture of personal belongings and trash all but indicated it was a hotel room.

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