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I do NOT take credit for the pictures I found all of them of Pinterest or Google.

I hope you enjoy this story!! This is my first so feedback would be greatly appreciated.

But anyway show love by leaving me nice comments and I'll reply back.💕


Brooke King is just a 17-year-old teenage girl that lives a very hectic life. With sports, school, friends, and family, her life is always on the go. Ever since she was no older than the age of ten, her life became super messy. With unstable household, Brooke continued to grow and mature quicker than everyone around her. But one person always understood her and her situation. Her best friend. But with him up and vanishing before she could say goodbye, she was forced to make new bonds and adapt to her environment without him. Now seven years later she is trying to create a normal life with new friends and family while still trying to get to know herself on her own, still wondering where the person that meant the most to her disappeared to.

With adventure, drama, and romance. She begins to become more and more confused with herself.

Will Brooke fall through it all?

Or will she continue to make it be an adventure trying to stay afloat.


This story uses foul language and mature content.


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