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I'm freaking out...

My lungs feel like they are non-existent.

My toes are tingling, my stomach is swirling, my arms are heavy. Hell, my whole body is heavy, everything in this moment feels scary.

It feels as if my whole world will crash down after this. My nightmares, my obsessions, my habits. Everything that I grew out of that I hated so much when I was here with someone I thought I cared for.

It was plain and simple. I hated but loved myself at the same time. I know what you're probably thinking "what the hell, how is that even possible?". Well, it is. It's possible when someone that you care about helps you believe that that "new you" is the best your ever gonna be. That everything that's happening is to better yourself and make the pain go away. But people don't get it. People that are broke stay broken until the thing or person that broke them fixes them. There is no running, there is no replacing, it's just you being broken until your fixed. A high will never make you happy, a drink won't ever take away your bad dreams and cutting will never make you feel better.

All these emotions are rushing through my mind as Noah parks in front of the run-down place that could've gotten me into so much trouble. But yet I'm still here, I'm still going back inside to see and relive the memories.

"You want me to go in with you?" Noah says snapping me out of the thoughts. I shake my head glancing at him.

"No, I'll be fine," He frowns his eyebrows shaking his head, and for the first time he says something that surprises me.

"I really don't like the idea of you going alone." I stare at him as he stares at his steering wheel.

"W-what?"I question breathlessly. He turns his head to look at me.

"I don't like the idea of you going in this stretchy ass place alone."He repeats staring at me with all too serious eyes.

Don't cry. Don't cry.

I shake my head riding my negative thoughts.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me, "I say before getting out of the car and walking towards the building. I take a deep breath as I open the door to the old building.

As I walk in the same smell of sweat and blood lingers in the air. Everything's the same. From the chipped paint on the walls to the cracks in the ceiling. Everything's the same, and every time I turn my head another memory pops into my head.

I was here all the time.

I knew everyone. I knew everyone's family, I knew what job they had, what drugs they sold, what alcohol they drank. This is the place where I vowed I wouldn't drink to take away any pain I had.

Because it doesn't work....

"Can I help you...." A deep voice says from the room to the left of me. I turn and am greeted with a extremely familiar set of Hazel

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