17)Made it or not

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Monday Sept. 27th.

I'm emotionally and physically drained. I have no reason to be but I am.

I have been for awhile now and it's just....a lot. On my body, on my brain, it's just overall to much.

Walking through the halls of the place I call hell, I drag my feet not having any motivation.

"Good morning!!" Jess one of the goody goodies exclaim with way to much energy for 7:35 in the morning. I give her a tight lipped smile as I pass by making my way to my locker.

"Well goodmornin sunshine!!" Athena and Nora yell. I glare at them as they let out a giggle.

"You look so cute today!!" Athena says looking me up and down. I give her an agitated look knowing she's lying.

I'm a mess.

And that's that.

I've spent numerous amounts of hours crying, isolated, feeling so emotionless. I just don't know what to do...my eyes have numerous amounts of bags under them. My outfit is literally what I wore to bed, my poor curls are thrown into a bun hidden of their beauty. But I guess that's how it is sometimes.

"Okay ladies lets warm up."

Lunch time

The only time I have to watch behind my back just so I don't have to talk with Noah, Ryan or Austin.

"Hi sweetie! Want corn?" The lunch lady Jules says in her upbringing tone. I give her a small smile shaking my head. Handing me my tray she tells me to have a good day which I tell her to do the same. Grabbing my fork I walk over to my table not looking anywhere but the ground.

"Dude so the made it and didn't list for football is finally being posted today." Hunter says as I approach the table. Confidence clear as day on his face. I nod my head placing down my tray.

"I really can't wait!!" Kayden dances in his seat making everyone but me laugh. Hunter gives me a worried look but I brush it off paying attention to the teacher grabbing the microphone.

"If you tried out for football the list is posted right up here. Please come up to see if you made the team in a organized, well mannered way." She says. But all the football players run up as quick as possible pushing and shoving.

"Looks like that's our cue." Hunter sighs hitting Kayden in arm. They both get up and walk over to the rest of the barbaric football players.

I watch for Hunters reaction as he finally gets to the front of the line. He looks for his name with a very solemn face. Running his finger down the list until he turns around locking eyes with me. He gives me a small smile pumping his fist in celebration. I run up to him giving him a hug.

This for us was tradition. Ever since he was afraid to go up to that list freshmen year. We've done the same thing for all sports. I watch for his reaction, he turns once he makes it, pumps his fist, I run and hug him. It's been this way for forever....and I don't want it to change....

"Thank you for always staying by my side Brookes." He says squeezing me. I nod my head enjoying the long needed hug.

"Well boys looks like this year is gonna be fun." Max says sparking my attention. I look up out of Hunters shoulder as he just holds me and see Max, Ryan, and Austin all walking back to the table with big grins on their faces. Noah on the other hand still sat there looking for his name. I watch as he frantically runs his finger up and down the list until he stops and turns around. Locking eyes with me he shakes his head and walks out of the cafeteria. I let out a huff of air as Hunter releases me.

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