8)The Men From My Past

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"Brooke I..." I put my hand up stopping him.

"Get back to tryouts Perkins. This conversation is over." He looks at me for a moment before his cocky self came back and he ran to the field.

"And to think that you use to cry over him."
I freeze.

That's all I can do is freeze.

The sound of his voice is so bitter to my ears. It brings back the pain and dark times.

"What do you want Lance?" I say turning around. He's leaning against the wall of the bleachers with his arms crossed over his chest. His bright green eyes flash with amusement as he looks at me.

"Glad to see you remember me, love." He pushes off the wall and makes his way over to me. "I've missed you." He goes to put his hand on my cheek but I slap it away. A big smile makes its way across his face. "I missed that sass, that spark in your eyes, that bad side of you." I roll my eyes turning back around.

"I don't know what your talking about." He lets out a chuckle as he gets close to my backside. "Get closer and I'll make a scene." He stops for a second before getting right up behind me.

"You won't do anything baby. You've missed me too." Turning around quick I slap him straight across the face so hard that the echo gets my dads attention.

"GET THE FUCK OFF MY FIELD JENNINGS!!" My dad yells mall walking towards him. Hearing his footsteps as he runs away a wave of relief floods through me. Closing my eyes and taking a few deep breathes through my nose I open them to my father, Hunter and Kayden all jogging towards me just before my breathing gets heavy and my vision becomes blotchy. It's like my whole world is spinning and my head is dizzy.

"Brooke you.." Those were the last words I heard before I blacked out.

Waking up to the view of a car ceiling wasn't the best thing to calm me. To say that I was in panic is a little bit of an understatement. I sat up quickly screaming at the top of my lungs until a voice stopped me.

"Brooke calm down, your fine. I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you." The sound of Austin's voice was music to my ears as I opened my eyes and noticed where I was.

In Noah's car....

With Noah, Ryan and Austin...

I avoided Noah's stare as I looked over at Austin who was siting next to me. "Where are we going? Where's my dad? Why am I with you guys?"Austin rubs my back as I begin freaking out again.

"We're going to your house. Your dads still at try outs. Your with us because-

"Because we offered unlike that bestfriend of yours." Noah says cutting off Austin. Ryan looks over at him and frowns.

"I don't think-OUCH!!" He yells rubbing his thigh. "What the hell was that for?!"

"Take the hint." Noah calmly says as he pulls into my driveway. I open the door and am quickly picked up by Austin who refused to let me walk.

"Once your inside and laying down then I'll let you go. But until then I don't want you randomly passing out again. So don't fight me on this." I roll my eyes as I lay my head on his chest, peeking over his shoulder I sneak a peak at Noah to see him deep in thought.

"Hello Mrs.King nice to see you again." Ryan says as my mom opens the door and lets Austin and Ryan walk in.

Letting out a sigh Austin looks down at me. "Okay sunshine where's your room." I point up the stairs and to the right, he gives me a nod as he makes his way up the stairs with me still cradled in his arms. Placing me down in my bed he lets out a puff of air as he sits on the edge of my bed looking deep in thought.

"I hope you know that Hunter offered to drop you off but Noah was gonna start throwing punches if he went near you...." I give him a bewildered look. "You think i'm joking? He near kicked Hunters ass when he wouldn't tell him what happened with you and that dude." I eyes grow wide. "Don't worry Hunter didn't say anything, he said to ask you. Which I'm not going to budge into your business so it's your choice if you want to tell me or not." He gives me a small smile which I return back.

I take a deep breath before looking back at him. "He use to be one of my guys...." His eyebrows shoot up. "I know what your thinking, and it's hard to explain but he was just there when I need the hattention..." He smirks a bit as he continues to look at me clearly amused.

"Oh please do try to explain because what I have pictured in my head isn't the prettiest."

"I've never slept with any of them. Kissed any of them, fully committed myself to any of them." Austin's features get more serious.

"So you've never been in an actual relationship?" I shake my head.

"They were more of buddies. Like someone who would come over and hang out but that's it." He nods his head. "My parents always thought that they were friends but like they would grow almost obsessed with me for zero reason, and so I would end things before things got extremely far. He was one of those dudes...

"I fully understand that. I-."

"Austin I think we should be going now." Noah says barging into my room. Austin looks up at him and shrugs.

"I don't see why we have to, it's not like we have anything else to do." Noah stares at him.

"I'm leaving in ten whether your staying or going that's your choice." He glances over at me and then back at him. "I hope you make the right choice." Austin looks up at him and stares at him for a few.

"Guess your leaving without me then." He shrugs looking over at me ignoring a furious Noah.

"Listen up, you will not-. Austin stands up puffing out his chest making Noah shut up.

"Listen up what? Huh? What you gonna do?" Noah's nose flares as his breath quickens. "Come on do it. SAY IT, I DARE YOU!" Austin snaps getting closer.

"Guys stop it. Please." I tiredly groan. "Austin I'll be fine."


"I said I'll be fine." He nods.

"Call me or Ryan if you need anything." I thank him as he walks out of the room bumping shoulders with Noah who sits looking at my photo collection. "Don't be a dick." I look over and see that it's the picture of him and I at his fourth birthday party. We were at their old house in the backyard, it was a rockstar birthday party. Half of the school was there and that's the day I met Nora.

 Half of the school was there and that's the day I met Nora

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(Not what they looked like as kids^)

"That's...my fourth birthday party." He says glancing over at me. I get up off the bed and make my way over to his side, joining him. "You got me a stuffed owl and...and a guitar...."His face is emotionless. I stay quiet as I watch his reaction. "That's the day we met Nora, right?" He looks over at me and I nod.

"Yeah that's the day we took her under our wing. She was the new girl and was forced to go because her mom wanted her to make friends." I chuckle remembering the moment I met her. She was sitting under the cake table bored out of her mind so I asked her to go on the bounce house with me.

"Noah...-" and just like that his coldness towards me is back and he walked out of my room leaving me thinking one thing.

The Noah I knew is still silently there.

And I don't know if I want to get him back.

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