11)Nap time with the Shepard

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Last night was terrible.

Once the boys left all I did was think and cry as always. I thought about my conversation with Noah, I thought about the party, but most importantly I thought about what Hunter said.

"Not everyone's love and affection is real."

That hit hard and it just kept replying in my head over and over.

It was terrible, and now Hunters pissed at me so my Saturday plans are gone.

I look at the clock and groan as the time 5:30am glows as I open my phone.

That's no way in hell Im getting up at 5:30. I close my eyes ignoring the digging of my phone as I drift off to sleep.


I slowly get out of bed as I make my way downstairs to the front door.


"Alright alright, I'm coming I'm coming." I say mid yawn as I rub my eyes. Opening the door slightly I see the one and only-

"Well good morning to you too." Ryan says as he playfully rolls his eyes with a cute smile. I yawn again making him chuckle. "Get ready I'm here to pick you up." I run my eyes again before looking at him clearly.

"Um why?" I ask uneasily. He chuckles at me again before putting his arms behind his back.

"My mom is cooking breakfast and wants you to come over." A tired small smile makes its way to my face as I think of her.

"Let me get shoes on, be back in a second." I say as I slowly shuffle my feet to the hall closet throwing on a pair of fuzzy socks and my white crocs before making my way to Ryan's car where he stands leaning against it.

"Ready to go?" He asks as he opens the door for me.

The whole ride there I couldn't keep my eyes open. I ended up falling asleep again up until the part where we entered their neighborhood. I watched as all the big beautiful houses passed by.

"We're here." Ryan says as he turns into a gated area where he buzz's a buzzer which then opened the gate showing off the beautiful house.

"Second time here and it still takes my breath away." I say as I tired make my way out of the car and to the front door.

"Well good morning sweetheart!" Megan cheerfully greets me making me groan.

"She just woke up." Ryan says as he shuts the front door behind us.

"But it's 7:30." I facepalm at her words.

"You clearly have a lot of catching up to do." I say as I take off my crocs and place them in the corner. "I'm not an early bird and I don't care for the worm." I say as I shuffle past her making my way towards the living room.

"Not even if the worm is French toast with peanut butter with turkey bacon on the side?" She says. I wave her off as I lay down on the couch.

"Save some for me, I'm going back to sleep." I say putting my hood up and laying on my side on the L shaped couch. "Love youuuu." I say in a babyish voice. I hear a chuckle as a blanket is laid over me.

"I love you too sweetheart. Now get some rest I'll make sure you have some left when you wake up." I grin as I snuggle up in the blanket slowly dozing off.

Ever get hit by a train? Oh wait I should probably reword that because you wouldn't be alive.

Ever get dog piled by a whole bunch of kids? If so did you get winded, because damnnnn does that hurt like a bitch.

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