cute things he does

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Brandon: something cute that Brandon does is he plays in your hair a lot and sometimes when you're tired he'll try to help you with it he ever tries to straighten it , and with him it's a pads or fail situation sometimes he'll do your hair and it comes out terrible and sometimes it comes out amazing at the end of the day it's the thought that counts

Edwin: something cute that Edwin does is whenever you guys hug, whenever you try to leave he pulls you back in. You'll hug for a long time and once you feel like you're done you'll attempt to walk off but he pulls you right back and whines asking you to just stay in his arms

Austin: something cute that Austin does is he'll bring you flowers every month and every month you guys are together hell add another flower so say you guys are together for 4 months hell give you 4 roses. Also each month he switches up the flowers to keep it interesting .

Nick: one thing that nick does that's really cute is he's sort of like you're alarm clock every morning he calls to wake up you up in his amazing morning voice . He never misses a day and he showers you with compliment and love saying that your beautiful even if he doesn't see you and says stuff like "I don't have to see you to know how beautiful you are"

Zion: One thing that is cute that Zion does is he showers you in kisses.  He'll kiss you even in random places like your elbow or stuff like that just making sure you definitely feels the love and when you tell him to stop he just does it more just to mess with you

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