chapter one

124 11 1

1ed1 is typing...

1ed1hello m8 ;) you up for some drinks tonight!?

noahsok; im sorray, i think you've got the wrong person

1ed1; oh crap! not again! im so sorry.

noahsok; no you're totally okay! happens all the time!

1ed1; alright! What's your name then? Maybe we could become friends, y'know? :))

noahsok; okay. Im Noah. What's your name?

1ed1; edward :p

noahsok; cool!

1ed1; where are you from Noah?

noahsok; small town in Oregon. you?

1ed1; doesn't matter.

noahsok; wtf? that's not fair :(

1ed1; let's just change the topic, eh?

noahsok; okay

1ed1; what kind of music are you into ?

noahsok; im a big fan of ed sheeran, katy perry, logic, taylor swift & melanie martinez

1ed1; ed, eh?

noahsok; very big fan

1ed1; oh, i gotta go. talk soon?

noahsok; yeah sure

1ed1 has read your message

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