chapter fourteen

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i woke up to loud beeping noises and my vision was very blurry. a lady in a white outfit was pumping clear liquids into a tube that was connected to an iv that was in my arm with some tape. i had a pounding headache but when i tried speaking, nothing came out.

she saw that my eyes were open and began explaining what had happened.

"you were in your car and as you heard your phone got off, you went to grab it and swerved into the left lane where another car was and you both flipped into the ditch. the scene was a mess and both cars were totalled. the other person got out with minor scratches but most damage was done to you. your left leg is broken and there are multiple gashes in your right arm. your mother and a boy with ginger hair have both stopped by. but each time, you never awoke. i suppose they're in the cafeteria so i'll let them know youre up, okay sweetie?" her smile was so warming but i still coulsnt believe i had caused so much damage..

she walked out of my room and i let out a sigh. i prolly won't have a job and now i'll be missing a bunch of school. man oh man, i should've just left my phone alone. i knew what was gonna happen.

*knock knock*

my mom came in and planted a few kisses on my forhead. i could tell she had been crying. of course she was, i was in a car accident. she came in alone and i wondered where ed was.

"have you seen ed?" i managed to get out.

"he left about 20 minutes ago to go get some food. ive been waiting in the cafeteria, waiting for you to awaken. im so glad you're okay sweetheart. the phone call i got was so heartbreaking. your phone just barely survived the crash and i managed to find eds contact in your phone. i contacted him right away & his tour has now been cancelled for a few weeks." she looked so sad and unhappy. this is all my fault.

"no, he can't just cancel his shows for me. what will his fans think? mom, why, i feel so terrible. this is all my fault." i began to cry.

"honey, please don't blame yourself. it was a mistake that shouldn't of happened but did. i hope youve learned that this is a serious situation though." she hugged me and we both jolted out heads to the slightest tap on the door.

"you may come in." i yelled.

the door opened and the nurse lead a broad, ginger haired boy into my room. it looked as if he'd been crying for days. i wonder how long id been out. 

i ended up editing this a lot last night. idk how i like it but oh well. may do an update during computer apps later today but if not, here's this. xoxo

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