chapter twenty-eight

19 6 1

1ed1 is typing..

1ed1; i'm coming down next week

noashok; wait, really?

1ed1; uh, yeahhh

noahsok; omgg :) 

noahsok; that just made my day

1ed1; me too. i think i'll be off tour for another month. 

noahsok; a whole nother month with you??

1ed1; yep

noahsok; :))))

1ed1; so whatcha up too?

noahsok; finishing up some homework. you?

1ed1; eating lunch with my manager

noahsok; nice, shouldn't you not be on your phone while that happens

1ed1; well he's on his so :p

noahsok; are you meaning to stick your tongue out?

1ed1; uh, yeah. why? what's it look like?

noahsok; idk, you're just so weird at times. very unpredictable

1ed1; look who's talking

noahsok; touche 

1ed1; exactly

1ed1; and hey, instead of being on your phone, shouldn't you be doing your homework??

noahsok; i'm legit just reading a book and writing a review for the chapters. i think i can hadnle reading and texting all at once

1ed1; ohhhhhhhh

noahsok; what?

1ed1; idek,,,,

noahsok; weirdo

1ed1; lunchbox

noahsok; i am tRiGgErEd

1ed1; g00d

noahsok; rUd3

1ed1; *inserts laugh-crying emoji*

noahsok; *facepalm*

1ed1; what?

noahsok; you couldn't of just actually put the emoji instead of saying you inserted it??

1ed1; what? are you offended?

noahsok; very much so, in fact. 

1ed1; g00d

noahsok; someone's man-strating

1ed1; oh whatever

noahsok; aw, is someone gonna start crying??

1ed1; noah

noahsok; do i need to call you a wam-bulence??

1ed1; noah

noahsok; need me to order you a wam-burger and some french cries??

1ed1; NOAH

noahsok; yes?

1ed1; stop it

noahsok; payback for calling me a lunchbox

1ed1; hey lunchbox

noahsok; yo, stop

1ed1; even steven

noahsok; no, this is

noahsok; your wam-bulence has been called ya crybaby

1ed1; *eyeroll*

noahsok; you know they make emojis for a reason?

1ed1; fuck off mate

noahsok; i'd rather not. that's rather inappropriate 

1ed1; mhm sure, not what you said that night at the hotel, AND in your shower

noahsok; shut up

1ed1; how about you make me, hoe!

noahsok; fight me

1ed1; when and where?

noahsok; right here, right now

1ed1; it may take me a week to get there but i'll be there

noahsok; good

noahsok; i'll be waiting mr. sheeran

1ed1; good

noahsok; ima steal something from you in the future, i hope you know that

1ed1; and that is..?

noahsok; your last name :)

1ed1; that is, if i propose

noahsok; you're not?

1ed1; that's for me to know and you to find out ;)

noahsok; ofc

noahsok; just leave me hanging like that

1ed1; well i can't spoil it

noahsok; so you are?

1ed1; like i said

1ed1; that's for me to know and you to find out

noahsok; whatever

1ed1; i loovvee yoouu

noahsok; i loooveee yoouu tooo baby

1ed1; alright, i've got some business to cover and then i'll text you, okay?

noahsok; okay

1ed1; goodbye beautiful

noahsok; goodbye handsome

1ed1 has read your message..

woah, a long update?? no way!! i'm actually surprised it was this long. i tried to carry the convo on as much as i could without ruining something. so anyways, i've been up since like 3 am this morning, yay me! anyways, have a good rest of the day! xoxo 

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