chapter two

69 10 1

1ed1 is typing...

1ed1; hey

noahsok; sup

1ed1; how're you?

noahsok; could be better

1ed1; why do you say that?

noahsok; my dog died last night :(

1ed1; oh my god, that's horrible. what was its name?

noahsok; princess, she was a golden retriever 

1ed1; im very sorry for your loss noah, anything i can do to help?

noahsok; no ill be okay, i just miss her, that's all...

1ed1; so question, if i may ask?

noahsok; you may..

1ed1; how would you feel if you ever met the real ed sheeran?

noahsok; prolly cry my eyes out, why do you ask?

1ed1: because i got you tickets for you and a friend to go see him!!!

noahsok; WOAH REALLY???!!!!

1ed1; no joke, i will send them too you!!! ;)))


1ed1; my pleasure. we've become somewhat friends and i feel you deserve this, especially with your doggo passing away. i know it's hard but im gonna be here for you. 

noahsok; thank you so much. y'know, it means alot because my dad is a drug addict and my mother passed away after giving birth to me so i dont really have anyone i can count on these days besides Cher. so im grateful you accidentally texted me ed!! maybe we can meet up sometime in the

1ed1; wonderful idea! hey ive gotta go, ill talk soon.. xoxo -ed

noahsok; bye ed! :))

1ed1 has read your message..

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