chapter fifteen

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ed walked in with a bouquet of red roses and a card. his hair was a greasy mess and he was wearing sweat pants with a baggy sweatshirt. when my eyes met with his, i noticed his eyes were all red and puffy from crying. 

"ugh, why did i have to be so stupid?" i thought.

my mother excused herself from the room to leave ed and i alone to talk.

"are you okay?" he asked, still standing by the doorway. 

" i'm fine. just  a little pain." i blinked multiple times, wondering if he would come closer. 

"i'm sorry. i feel as if this was all my fault. if i had just woken up before you had left, i could've prevented some of this." he began to sniffle and sat on the end of the hospital bed. 

"baby, this has nothing to do with you. this was my fault. i should have never picked up my phone. i knew better and i thought i was fine doing so, but i was wrong. someone came speeding up out of nowhere and i swerved and hit them." i looked over at the scanner that was showing my heart rate.

"well i don't want to make this a pity party. i'm just glad you're still alive. i did take about a month off from my tour and some people are  beginning to get suspicious but i knew that would happen sooner or later. my manager wanted me to tell you to get better soon. and that he hopes your healing process goes very well." ed handed me the roses and card. they smelled amazing. 

"well tell him i said thank you. i'm very blessed with the people i have in my life. thank you, too, ed, for the flowers. but you know you didn't have too cancel over 10 shows for me, right?" i slid the card out of the envelope and began reading the card.

"i know but i wanted too. your mother is allowing me to crash at your place for the next 30 days and security will be by every 12 hours. i wanted to make sure you would be safe. your mother alerted your job and you will still have a job when you finish healing. i'm here to help noah. i love you." he planted a kiss on my forehead and lay down next to me and intertwined our fingers.

"i love you too ed." i softly whispered as we both began to drift into a deep sleep. 

okay, so im sorry for such a short chapter. just a filler. and i have no idea what to do with this anymore. i had an idea but they've just kind of vanished because of what happened with my boyfriend so i've been making sure he's okay and yeah. will probably write another short chapter after this. once ed is back on the road, there will be more ed texts which should happen by, at least, chapter eighteen. anyway, enjoy!! xoxo

also let me know if i make any spelling errors when writing, the computers are horrible with spell check!!

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