chapter twenty-six

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noahsok; ed

noahsok; im sorry

noahsok; okay?

noahsok; i should've just explained what was wrong

noahsok; please talk to me

noahsok; ..

noahsok; ed..

noahsok; look, i've apologised

noahsok; but i just want you to know i love you

noahsok; why aren't you answering?

noahsok; are you still upset with me?

noahsok; please tell me what i can do to fix it

noahsok; i woke up this morning feeling awful

noahsok; i was just in a terrible mood last night and needed to talk to you about something that was bothering me 

noahsok; but

noahsok; i didn't want you to think i was jealous

noahsok; i'm so sorry

noahsok; i'll leave you alone

noahsok; you're prolly asleep

noahsok; bye ed, i love you..

noahsok; <3

hey guys, woah, so sorry for the short time of not updating. a lot has happened this weekend. i saw katy perry in concert last night in st. louis and didnt get home til about 1:30 this morning and didnt get any sleep. plus my bf and i are arguing and its making me very upset. anyways.  i hope you all have a great week!! xoxo <3

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