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I arrive at my brother's house and walk up the short cobblestone path to ring the doorbell. I hear a muffled " she's here, move move move!", through the door. I giggle to myself as a slightly sweaty, chestnut-haired, Laurence appears at the door, panting a bit and grinning wildly as I hug him.

" I missed you, " he says, hugging back.

" I saw you literally a month ago!" I say, smiling as he invites me in.

" I mean it's good to see you again," he says as Dante, who I guess was visiting, walks out of the kitchen, chewing on an apple, not noticing me until he was almost halfway upstairs. I raise an eyebrow as his eyes widen and turn to face me, breaking out in an ecstatic grin.

" Wassup shortcake" he greets me, and I growl at the stupid nickname that he gave me in high school. He smirks once more and yells upstairs " GARROTH, Y/N IS HERE!!"

My face lights up, Garroth is like a second brother to me as if two siblings isn't enough.

" YYY/NNNNNNNNNN" Garroth runs down the stairs, and I see Zane poke his masked face around the upstairs corner, rolling his eyes as he slowly recedes. Garroth picks me up and spun around.

" Garroth, cant, breath," I say, laughing, as he puts me down and floods me with questions, most of which I can't understand because he's talking so fast. My eyes widen and I nearly yell at him to slow down.

" We should wait to ask anything until everyone is together." my brother calmly states, already calling up Aphmau and proposes a get together at her house.

" Come with me, I'll show you your room!" Garroth excitedly whispers and leads me down the stairs with his hands covering my eyes, Zane trailing behind us. I step down the last step, and he removes his hands. I gasp, it's wonderful! The layout is perfect, and so was the color scheme, it has f/c, s/f/c pillows and an f/c couch and bed.

" I still don't understand why she has to move in." Zane stands on the last step and leans up against the wall. I grin at him and he rolls his, eye.

" Come on baby brother, y/n was one of your friends during high school." Garroth says, trying to hug Zane, but he runs away before Garroth could. " She wasn't my friend, she was someone who had similar interests."

I plop my bag on the couch and sit down next to it, savoring the plushness of the material beneath me.

" Well, now you won't have to pay as much rent..." I say to Zane, a smirk on my face because I knew I got him with my logic. Zane grumbles as he walks back up the steps and says something about a party starting in thirty minutes, with Garroth close behind him.

I sigh and shut the basement door and get changed into a casual dress ( see picture ), I do my hair and makeup, and sit back down again, I still had 15 minutes before I had to go so I dumped the stuff out of my leather bag. The first thing that my hand goes to is the knife. The one I always keep on me since the incident.

*Le flashback*

It was the first day of high school before I knew Aphmau or anyone. I was alone. I was walking towards Phoenix drop when someone was walking beside me, I didn't see his face, but he grabbed me and tried to kiss me. He was way too old to even be in school anymore, I realized as I was struggling, seeing the wrinkles. I escaped towards school, sprinting as fast as I could.

"Come to daddy!" he yelled. I ran faster, past a boy with grayish black hair, who I later learned to be Gene. He, being the jerk that he was, tripped me and ran inside. I fell, hard. He was coming closer and there was nothing I could do. Until I saw that Gene had dropped his black pocket knife, I grabbed it and slashed the man's face once, then ran into the school. I had later customized the blade and handle, in case I would ever need it again.

*End flashback*

I run my index finger over the dull edge of the chrome blade, lost in thought. I jump, startled by heavy footsteps behind me. I quickly stand up, turn around, and point the knife at whoever's in the room with me.

" Heyyyy ba- whoa calm down there y/n."

It's only Travis. Wait, TRAVIS? I click the blade down and smile at Travis.

"Sorry about that, you startled me." I apologize, sticking the knife in my dress pocket. Travis grins and said that the party was starting and that he came to get me. He starts walking up but suddenly stops.

" Are you sure you're Okay? You seem out of it." Travis turns to face me." was it about the man?" I nodded and silent tears started to roll down my face. I felt warm arms around me and Travis was hugging me. He murmured comforting words that I didn't hear. I told him to go back up stairs.

" Nope, I'll wait here until you're done fixing your makeup, I promised Aph I would get you up stairs." He winked and I half heartily laughed, reapplying blush. ( tho you didn't need it *wink wink*) We walked up stairs and out the Aphs house. I saw Katelyn as the DJ and everyone else from high school. I walked over with Travis to Aph and Kasey. We chatted for a bit before dancing. I was having a great time, everyone was smiling. I suddenly felt cold hands on the back of my waste. I giggled " I know that's you, Travis." I smiled as I turned in his arms.

He whispered,

" Hey Princess "

A/N : Mwahahahahahahahahahahah cliffhanger.. you can probably already guess it...

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