Truth or Dare

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"Oi, Y/n." I heard my name being called. I took a deep breath. It's really not a big deal, it's a party game! Pull yourself together Y/N!! I walked into the other room, and i saw that a spot next to Travis had been cleared for me. I also saw that Kawaii~Chan was about to explode. I felt my face blush and mentally slapped myself. I took a seat and faced Travis. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment, when he suddenly reached for my face and kissed me lightly on the lips, his eyes were closed but mine were wide open before I closed my eyes and melted into the kiss. It only lasted five seconds, but after we pulled away, Kawaii~Chan had managed to get around fifty-seven pictures, and scream, then promptly fainted. I realized I was staring at Travis and quickly turned away. We were both blushing, almost to a point where you could call our faces purple. Dante was glaring at Travis who had a grin on his face. The rest were trying not to laugh. We quickly recovered. We decided to do Truth or Dare next. ( CUE MUSIC MY PEEPS ) As we were walking around to stretch before the next game, Aph came up to me and whispered,

" Youre welcome."

I looked at her, puzzled. " for what exactly....?" She grinned. " for helping you with your little crush on Travis." She said and walked away, leaving me flustered. I knew that she knew, but did she know that I knew that she knew? (LOL) I'm guessing not. Whatever. I walked over to join the circle which we had relocated to Aphs bedroom because of reasons.

" Shouldn't we wake up Zane?" Katelyn gestured to the couch, where he lay snoring.

" Nah, let him sleep... for now." My brother responded with an evil grin. I wondered what Laurence had planned for Zane.

We were all settled, We chose Aaron to ask the first question.

" Kawaii~Chan truth or dare?" He turned to the pink haired girl, whose ears twitched.

"ummm, Truth Aaron~Kun!"

" Okay, who is the main subject of your shipping shrine right now?"

" Y/N ~ Sama!"

" What?!?!!??" You looked in shock at Kwawii~Chan, who just giggled. " who do you ship me with?" You asked.

"Y/n ~Sama will have to wait her turn to ask that." Kwawii~Chan giggled so hard that she coughed up a hairball. We stared in horror as she quickly cleaned it up and smiled as if nothing happened. Kwawii~Chan asked Laurence next. He chooses dare as he was no chicken.

"Hmm, I dare you to.... lick the floor!" Laurence laughed and licked the floor.

" No, no, no,... not there, where my hair ball was." Kwawii~Chan finished and my brother now had a look of pure terror on his face. He shuddered as he licked the floor in the spot that Kwawii ~Chan was pointing at. I was having trouble breathing at this point because I was laughing too much. And I could say the same for everyone else in the circle. Dante and Travis were the only ones who had enough will power to be filming this. Laurence started gagging and ran to the bathroom to begin washing off his tongue, which only made us laugh harder.

When he returned, I was recovering from the explosion of laughter that had happened, but all went silent as he sat down and glared around the circle. He was looking for his next prey. My brother's eyes settled on me, and he smirked. I sat up straighter, chin up, and faced whatever Laurence would throw at me.

" so, Y/N.." He started, then asked the deadly question, the one that would decide my fate." Truth or dare?"

I was known to always choose truth, but I decided to make it a little spicy. (where has my mind went its frickin one in the morning,) Then, I said the most deadliest thing ever.

" Dare"

Everyone gasped, and Laurence's grin got bigger.

" I dare you to..." Everyone leaned in." Steal Zane's mask."

I regretted my spicy decision.

I silently got up, but two others got up with me, Katelyn and Travis.

" I've always wanted to do this." Katelyn cracked her knuckles, and Travis agreed.

Well, at least I have back up. The others jokingly saluted, but this was a true life risking operation. We crept down stairs, me first, then Travis, then Katelyn. The rest were a few steps behind, ready to see what would happen. I popped up on the side of the couch, looking down on a slumbering Zane. I looked at the two beside me and nodded. We were ready. I gently lifted it over his head. I backed up a few steps, ready for anything to happen. Zane twitched, and his hand flew up to his face. His eyes opened, and he went CRAZY!


I ran outside, laughing into the night, passing the mask between Travis and Katelyn. We ran all the way to the nearby park, Zane minutes behind us. Travis had the mask. I hid in a tree and Travis followed, still clutching the mask. Katelyn tried to climb to join us.

" There's no room, go to another tree." I hissed, seeing Zane glowering in the distance. She huffed and went into the tree across the path. Then Zane started chanting...

" One two Zane is coming for you

Three four better lock the door

Five six get your crucifix

Seven eight don't stay up late

Nine ten never breathe again "

Zane was stalking around, sniffing for us. He snorted and scampered away.

I had stifled my laugh for as long as I could, but then I burst out laughing, and so did my partners in crime. Travis ended up falling out of the tree and I fell next to him, still laughing. Travis handed me the mask, and we walked home, still giggling over the fact that Zane tried to sniff us out.

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