You've 'Fallen' for Me

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We were still giggling as we started to see the light of the house. I was wearing the mask around my neck, like a medal. I saw the rest of the gang in the yard minus Zane, waiting for our return. I grinned at Katelyn and Travis and I started running towards the others. I started to get a little tired and let Travis take the lead and Katelyn was running beside me. We were nearing the yard when I looked behind me, I saw a seething Zane, running fast. He was gaining ground and coming closer. I screamed and laughed as I turned and pushed myself to run even faster. Unfortunately, I tripped over a rock, and right into someone's arms. I had my eyes shut in pain because my ankle was throbbing. " Ouch, Crrraaaaappppp." I groaned. I opened my eyes to the worried face of Travis. " Y/n are you ok?" he asked. I was probably blushing but I didn't care.

"I'm fine." I attempt to stand, but to no avail. I fell back into his arms, tears forming in my eyes. Travis hugged me close to his chest. And that's when I fell into the darkness, the only thing I felt was the pain.

I blinked my eyes open, and I was on my f/c couch with a green jacket wrapped around me. I looked down at my feet, they were slightly blurry but I saw that my left ankle was wrapped in a white cloth. I closed my eyes for a bit as I was getting dizzy. I must've fallen asleep again because when I opened my eyes I saw Laurence, Aph, Travis, and Zane, who had his mask back.

" Everyone, shush, she's waking up," Aphmau said in a loud whisper. I propped myself up on my elbow, facing everyone. "Wasssuupppp," I say in a really slurred voice and nearly fell off the couch but the person sitting closest to me, Travis, caught me and sat me up on the couch. Laurence sat on one side of me and Travis on the other. Aphmau elevated my leg.

" Zane, go get some ice." Aphmau demand, Zane sighed and got up. I leaned on my brother's shoulder and blinked slowly. " Are you okay Y/n? You were out for most of the night."

" I'm fine, but, you know, can't walk," I say, gesturing to my heavily wrapped foot and ankle.

" Oh yeah, forgot about that.." Aphmau then helped me up, and I put my arms around Laurnces neck and Travis neck. We limped/walked to Dantes car, and he was already in the driver's seat. Aph was in shotgun and was holding a bag of ice. As I was in the back of the car with Laurence and Travis, I noticed the green hoodie that I was still wearing was actually Travis's hoodie. I smiled. Maybe he does like me, maybe just a little.

We arrived at the doctor's, and it was stuffed, so we only sent me and Travis in. We found a seat among the crowded lobby and I read some junky magazine, with Travis reading it over my shoulder. After a couple of minutes, I hear him whisper ' oh no she didn't' in a really sassy tone about one of the articles. I giggled and we started talking about how stupid these magazines were to pass the time. The lobby was slowly clearing out and then it was my turn. Travis helped me walk to the room, and I sat on the examination table. Travis and I explained what happened and the doctor gave me a boot, ( the medical kind, not uggs.) I also got crutches. The doctor left the room to bring back the paper work. Travis was helping me learn how to walk with them but was having a hard time seeing as I nearly fell every time I stood up. He walked over, put his arm around my waist, and walked me through my steps. I finally got it. I signed the paperwork and left. Travis called Dante to pick us up again, and we sat on a bench outside. It was becoming fall, so it was kind of chilly. I pulled Travis's hoodie tighter around me. We sat in awkward silence, what made it even more awkward is two girls came up to us and started talking about how we were '# couple goals'. I was silent and blushing during that whole encounter while Travis was explaining that we were just really good friends.

Man, I wish that were different.

" Hey, Y/n, I need to tell you something-" Travis started but was interrupted by Dantes loud, bright blue car. Dante was wearing sunglasses and his normal red sweatshirt.

" Get in!" He hollered and Travis let out a frustrated sigh and helped me up. I crutched my way to the car and hobbled my way into the back seat, while Travis got shotgun. Dante dropped me off at my brother's house and I made my way inside before I realized that I forgot to give Travis his sweatshirt back. I texted him and he was coming back over in five minutes. I hope that Laurence or garroth didn't see me with his sweatshirt on. I sat down on the couch until I heard the doorbell, I ran as fast as a person could that just happened to have a broken ankle up the stairs. I let Travis in and slammed the door.

"Whoa, whats wrong?" he asked looking at my slightly disheveled state.

"I just don't want my brother to see."

" why?" He smirked, " Are you embarrassed?"

I squinted at him, blushing. I handed him his sweat shirt while avoiding eye contact.

" welp bye Travis see you later." I reach to push him out the door, but my boots velcro got caught on the carpet and I fell on Travis, again. I was blushing once again, and Travis was smirking. He put me on my feet and said one last thing before he left,

"Well, it looks like you've fallen for me y/n."

wow, what a bad pun in a good situation.

A/N well I stayed up late doing this, Enjoy! I will try to update and add a chapter every day!

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