Cool Breeze

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I am rewriting this chapter, it was previously called Is This Love? and I didn't really like how it was written, so Imma rewrite it, and new chapters will be coming out soon, I've had a MAJOR writing block.

"Hey." A groggy voice says. I turn to see a bleary-eyed, ruffle-haired, hot as hell Travis. He ran his hand through his hair in a useless attempt to get it orderly.

"So, Y/N, I was thinking..." he began, striding closer, "That maybe..."

"We should..." He hesitates, suddenly looking nervous. He takes a deep breath and says, "Hang out sometime! You know, since we have, um..." His eyes widen, and I smile softly. "Of course, Travis. We can hang out anytime." He beams, and pulls me into a bone-crushing hug, knocking my cup of water over in the process. I jump back, but my socks still end up soaked, and the glass shatters.

My eyes widen, and I scrunch my nose up at an embarrassed Travis, who was rubbing the back of his neck. " Sorry..."

I sigh as I grab a towel from the handle of the oven, tossing it over my shoulder, I look through the doorway to the living room. No one stirred, and no one made a sound, except for Garroths snoring. I breathe a sigh of relief. I want a bit more time alone with Travis, with no interruptions. I mean, how often did I get to spend alone with my crush?

I grin to myself and I turn to see Travis throwing the glass ridden cloth into the trash. He turns back around to me with a guilty grin. " I'm really sorry, y/n."

" Its fine, I wanted hot cocoa anyways."

I say as I open a cabinet filled with mugs, " You want any?"

" Sure."

He leans on the counter next to me, his tired eyes never leaving my face as I pick out two mugs, one lime green, and one a bright f/c. I pick the mugs up an lift my head up, looking right into Travis's gaze. I jump a little, a pale pink spreading across my face.

" W-why were you staring at me?" I blush even more, damned stutter.

" Just admiring you..." He says with a slight smirk. I roll my eyes.

" How come that half the time," I pull out a pot and set it on the stove, filling it with water and setting it to boil, " You're super smooth, and then the other time," I rip open two power packets and dump one in each mug. The powder dust flies into my nose, making me sneeze a little, " You're really clumsy?"

He pouts, " Is that a bad thing?"

I giggle, " No no no no, it's just surprising how you go from smooth to adorable so quickly."

I switch off the stove, and carefully fill the mugs three-quarters full of the steaming water, before dumping the rest down the sink. Travis watches me get milk and fill the cups to the top, froth almost overflowing. His eyes shine from the compliment. " You think I'm," He pauses, as I add a luxurious amount of whipped cream onto each chocolatey drink. " Cute?"

I hum, as I hold my drink in both hands. I bring it up to my face, basking in the warmth. He fakes a cough, trying ( and failing) to hide an enormous blush. He picks his mug up, and I grin at him. " Wanna go watch the sunrise?" I say, picturing a perfect romantic scene in my head.

He nods, and unties his green sweatshirt from his waits, and slips it on. I tiptoe to the sliding glass doors that connect the kitchen to the pool deck and backyard, being very careful not to spill any drops of the holy liquid I held in my hand. I hear Travis chuckle at my antics from behind me. I attempt to open the glass door with my foot, but to no avail. An arm reaches around my waist and pulls the door open in one swift motion, causing him to step forward, embracing me in an almost backward kinda hug.

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