Sleep Over!

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"Right, now left! Speed up y/n SPEED UPPPPP!"

I jam the controller, sensing victory was only moments away. Travis was clutching my knees, his chin resting on my shoulder.

" Yess!"

Travis yells into my ear, lifting his hands up in excitement. I grin, knowing we won just from the disappointed grumbles surrounding me. I toss the controller to the side and tear off the mask, blinking to adjust to the light level in the room. I turn away from the screen, scanning the room. I slid off of Travis's lap before any else sees, although he keeps his arm around my waist. I raise my brow and he smirks, locking his green eyes with my E/c ones. I cross my eyes and we both crack up.

" Ok, I'm calling quits," I announce. Katelyn, Garroth, and Laurence agree.

" Travis, I challenge you..." Dante stands up dramatically, wielding the controller like a sword. " To a duel!"

Travis laughs and accepts, and we all watch as they play the first two rounds, and, of course, are tied. Then I get the most bestest idea ever.

" Hey guys," I say, looking in between the two rivals, " Whoever wins should get a prize..."

I have their interest now. Katelyn gives me a look, knowing exactly what I'm planning.

" What kind of prize y/n?"

I smirk at Travis, the one who asked the question.

" Whoever wins gets a kiss from the one, the only.." I place on hand on my chest, " Me!"

mouths were open in shock until the awkward silence was broken by Laurence wailing, " OH MY POOR SISTER WHAT HAS COLLAGE DONE TO YOUUUU."

I roll my eyes as everyone laughs. I choose the track, Rainbow Road, and they start. Its a tie at first, but in the end, Dante wins.


Dante cheers in victory, and Travis groans in defeat. I laugh, and suddenly stop, remembering what I had offered as a prize. Everyone soon came to the same realization. I felt my face flush and I slowly stood up and turned to Dante, who only smirked and said, " I believe y/n owes me a kiss." I seriously smirk, walking over to Dante. When I stop in front of him, his smirk grows, and he closes his eyes as he puckers his lips. I could feel my friends eyes burning into my back, especially Travis, and Laurence. I leaned over and peck him on the cheek, giggling softly as I sink back into the couch next to him and Travis. I look over to the platinum-haired male who was grinning and chuckling.

" You missed..."

I turn my gaze to Date once again, his face crestfallen.

" Stop whining, she kissed you!" Katelyn teases, "That was the deal."

Laurence nods approvingly at me. " Good job y/n, We've taught you well."

I giggle when another idea strikes me.

" GUYS!" I yell, startling the people in the room, " Let's HAVE A GIANT SLEEPOVER!"

WIthout waiting for any answers I drag Katelyn down stars.

~ Time Skip ~

I pranced up stars in long, f/c flannel pj pants and a loose s/f/c pj shirt, with Katelyn right behind me. I climb the last step, to see Garroth, Laurence, and Zane sitting in similar attire. I look around, confused before I turn to my brother. " Where are the other two?"

Laurence jerked his head towards the front door, " They went to get sleeping bags. "

I nod and slump into the couch, eyelids drooping, e/c orbs tracing to flames in the fireplace. I snap out of my trance as the door slams closed, bringing with it Travis and Dante, laden with blankets, sleeping bags, and pillows. I stay pressed into the couch as they lay their burden into the middle of the room. I stand slowly, stretching as I lazily walk into the kitchen.

five minutes later, I carefully wind my way back to the living room, which has been transformed into what I assumed was heaven. I set the mugs of hot cholate on the side table, and launch myself onto one of many lumps in the blankets.

" ACK Y/n!"

" What the hell y/n?"

I look up, not expecting two faces instead of one.

Zane's masked face glared at me, while Traviss features were softer but still surprised. I grinned,

" Heh, Sorry guys..."

Zane grumbles and kicks me off before rolling over. I land completely on Travis, tangling myself in blankets.

I look into his eyes and say one word,

" Burrito."

I roll my Rs while crossing my eyes. He chuckles as I swiftly roll off next to him, in the last empty space. Which of course happened to also be next to Dante, which I found out by him groaning as he rolled over to face me.

" Hey shortcake."

He smirks sleepily at me. I roll my eyes. " Stop calling me that."

He shakes his head, " Never"

I roll my eyes once again and I drift off.

I wake to a dark room and soft snores. I smack my lips, my throat stings. I get up as quietly as I can to get a glass of cold water. I walk, unknowing that someone else had woken a well.

I take a sip out of the glass, and lean against the counter, gulping the water.

" Hey"

A groggy voice says. I turn, to see a bleary eye, ruffled hair, hot as hell Travis. He drew his hand through his hair, in a useless attempt to get it orderly.

" So, y/n, I was thinking..." He began, striding closer, " That maybe..."

He put one hand on the counter and leaned over me, a sweet and timid smile on his ace.

" We should..."


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