Olive Garden pt3

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Y/ns pov

" Ill have, F/f ( Favorit Food )" I told the watress, smileing as I handed her my menu. She slightly smiled and quickly wrote down my order as she turned to Travis, who was still studying the options. I fake a cough and Travis looked up at me than the waitress.

" Oh, Ill have, Hmmm,." He looked down at the menu again. " The cheese ravioli please." The blonde haired girl nodded and left.

"Soo..." He says in an attempt to start a conversation.

" I heard you have a YouTube channel." I say, relevied that I had found something to talk about. I had admitted to my crush that I liked him and he shared the same feelings. We had just smiled in pure bliss and pure akwardness when the watriess came to take our orders. Now we silently agreed to talk about other things or we would become a blushing mess.

He grinned. " Yeah, I do, Its called P.M. Seymour." My eyes widened. He tilted his head. " whats wrong?"

" Nothing "

He gave me and exsasparted look. " Come on Y/n..... "

I copy his face. " Nope."

He raised an eyebrow. Then an evil grin took over his face. " You wanna know what I know?" He said in a sing song voice. I did my best to looked bored and faked a yawn. He started repeating that line over and over, a bit louder each time, untl we were getting stares from the other tables

" Alright alright STAHP!"

He continued with his slight smirk and sat back, eyebrows raising. I looked down, N/H ( nervous habit) , and blushing severly. " ummm well.." I start. " I used to be a.. uh.."

He looked at me, smirk growing bigger. " go on.."

I take a small breath, " I might have been a hardcore fan girl in collage." I quickly looked at my drink and Travis started laughing. I look up to see him still laughing, I sighed. He slowly stopped laughing and regained the ability to speak. " So you were ( Youtube account name )?"

" Yeah..."

" You didnt know it was me?" He still had that stupid smirk on his face. " No!" I replied, crossing my arms. He grinned. " Sure." We continued to argue until our food came.

" So," I started, just as we were almost done ith our food. " What are we doing after this?" Travis pushes his plate away, already looking at me like he was the whole darned meal, and his ever present grin returned. " Its a suprise." was all he saidp and was the only thing he said as I kept asking him. We climed into the car.

" Movies?"

He remained silent. I cursed under my breath.

" Ok hold on.." I search my brain. " Oh ok, let me guess, youre selling me to be the 14th wife of Donald Trump?"

He started craking up as he started the negine and pulled out of the parking spot. " Hahahahah you got me!" I giggled. " But seriosly, WHAT ARE WE DOING."

" It wouldnt be a suprise if I told you."

I grumbled.

dante da YANDERE Pov

I paid my bill just as Travis and y/n left, Y/n asking Travis about something, Travis staying silent, and Y/n grumbling. I quickly walked out of the building, and into my car. They sat in Travis's car, not driving yet. So I took the time to think about what I was going to do about Travis stealing y/n from me. First, I would win Y/ns heart by not being too obvious but still doing nice things. I would then get Travis to mess up somehow, bringing Y/n to me. But, to do that last step, I would need some help...

Y/ns pov

" Phonix Drop High?"

The old run -down school had multiple tags from the Shadow Knights, and the lawn was overgrown. The windows were either shattered or completely gone. I turned to Travis who had a proud grin on. " Why are we here?"

He turned off the car. " Follow me." I sighed as I hopped out and he started walking to the sports field. " Wait up!"

I jogged towards him and we proceded past the sports field to behind the school. Where we found a latter going up the side of the school. He had a small smirk on his face as he bowed and said, " You first M'Lady." I laughed and started towards the ladder, and I put my foot on a rung before I quickly whipped around, remembering that I had a dress on. And from the pervy look on Travis's face, I could tell that's exactly why he wanted me to go first. I raised my eyebrows and backed up as I crossed my arms.

" Seriously?"

His smirk grew. " Can't blame a guy for trying."

I rolled my eyes as he rolled up his sleeves and climbed the ladder, me following him. We ended up on the roof where I found A pile of blankets facing the sunset. He turned to me with a slight blush and a hopeful smile. I plopped down in the corner and Travis sat down next to me.

We just started as the sun we down, and light breezes blew. Travis scooted bit closer and I looked over at him. " what its cold." I giggled.

A little bit later, the sun was nearly gone, " Hey Y/n? "

I looked over to him in the dying sunlight. " Yeah?"

" Do you, wanna hang out tomorrow?"

I smile. "Sure, I'll come over to your house, we can play Mario cart!"

I hesitated. " But Laurence is gonna insist on coming over, to make everything PG-13, so, do you wanna invite everyone?"

He grumbles. "Fine... But only Laurence and Garroth."

" Ill also invite Katelyn, she loves Mario cart."


We continue talking until I start to doze off and Travis drives us home.

??? Pov

" You didn't save her last time, and that was very carefully planned!"

"Please! Come on!"

" Ugh fine, I'll get Ivy and-"

" No, It needs to be you! I trust you, Bro."

" Whatever, text me what I need to do."

" I will, and don't tell anyone."

A/N HELLLLO Im am VERY VERY VERY sorry this hasn't been updated in FOREVER school had been a pain in the butt, I got in a fist fight over a hot pocket, my life is currently INSANE! But thank you SOOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO much, I now have over 900 READS OMG nearly 1000! Thank you for all f the support! Also, we have an AUSTRAILIAN READING! Idk who but WELCOME!

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