Beyond Our Comprehension. (Captain Swan)

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Society tells us we need to love, how we need to love, and who we need to love. If we don't do these things it's as if we've ruined our lives. When you think of a pirate, what do you think of? A man with a patch over his eye, a parrot on his shoulder, treasure gallore, and a hook for a hand? Well the last part may be true.. but that's the general idea of a pirate. Now think of a princess. Large, Sparky ballgowns, makeup perfectly done, heels, and to top it all off, a tiara. That may be what you thought of. Would anyone think of a princess wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a red leather jacket? Probably not. What happens whenever an unlikely princess and a one-handed pirate fall in love?

Beyond Our Comprehension. (Captain Swan)Where stories live. Discover now