Chapter Three:

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When Emma was out of sight, Hook returned to his ship where he'd spend the rest of his night. He sat in the Captain's quarters in a large, red velvet chair which contrasted nicely with his black leather outfit and dark features.  He glanced at the gold rings on his hand. He watched as they sparkled in the dim lighting and smiled. The life of a pirate is a good one. He couldn't help but feel like something was missing from his life. He couldn't put his hook on it.. He shook off the foreign feeling and continued about his buisness.

On the other hand, there was Emma with the same problem. She was sitting opposite Henry on the couch. He was concentrated on playing Call of Duty and she was concentrated in her thoughts. She had everything she could ever need. She had a nice home, a son who loved her dearly, she'd found her parents,  what more could she want? Emma couldn't help but feel an aching in her chest. It was the pain of loneliness, a pain she'd become accustomed to.

"Henry, I think I'm going to go take a nap. You alright hanging out here a while?" Emma asked Henry. He shook his head and she took it as an okay. She went into her room and kicked off her shoes. Practically the second her head hit the pillow, she was overwhelmed with emotion and began crying. She tried to muffle her tears but she couldn't see to. This sadness was nearly painful it was so awful. Emma got up and looked in the body mirror that hung on the wall. She examined herself. Her cheeks were tear streaked and red and her eyes shared a similar quality.  She wiped off her makeup and then stood in front of the mirror once again. She faked a smile and tried to be satisfied with herself. She knew Neal was never coming back into her or Henry's lives. He made that clear when he sent her to prison nearly 13 years ago. She went and laid down in bed with her covers covering her entire body like a cacoon. So much had changed the past three years. Her son she put up for adoption came back to her, she moved to Storybrooke, Maine, she found her parents, she broke the curse that trapped all of the victims of Regina's curse, and she's been living happily in Storybrooke with Henry ever since. She hadn't had any love interests since Neal and she longed for a love like that. Or atleast love is what she thought that was.. He hurt her badly. She couldn't trust her own judgement.  She couldn't allow herself to get hurt that badly again. She continued to manipulate herself into believing she was happy. "Emma, you're happily living with your son. You have your family now. You don't need any men in your life." She told herself. She set her alarm clock for an hour and for the next hour Emma was able to escape her thoughts.

|| In this story the first season did happened, Hook was apart of the original curse, Neal never came back, and they never went to Neverland. I forgot to add that.

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