Chapter Five:

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Emma's alarm went off, waking her from the trance she was left in from sleep. She groaned and shut off the clock before sitting up. She yawned before getting up and going into the living room where Henry was still playing video games.

"I think you need a little break.." Emma said walked over to Henry. He groaned and paused the game.

"Alright. Hook called." He told her as he shut down the system. Emma felt a strange anxiousness and stood up straighter.

"Hook?" She asked. Henry nodded and she felt her heart skip a beat. She walked over to the phone, went back one to the history, and pressed the 'talk' button. There were three rings before Hook answered.

"Hello Emma." Hook said making her giggle.

"Hi, again, you don't have to answer so properly."

"But if I didn't that'd show bad form." He said laughing.  Emma couldn't help but laugh too.

"So why did you call?" She asked. Hook had nearly forgotten.

"Uhm.." He mumbled into the phone lost in thought. "You know, I'd rather ask in person. Can I see you in... let's say.. 15 minutes?" He offered. Emma thought about it.

"Tonight might not be the best night. Henry and I were just gonna hang out here together." Emma explained, biting her lip, hoping he'd believe her lie.

"Alright, sounds good. See you then." He said. He hung up before she could protest.  He could definetly tell she was lying.. Emma ran to the bathroom to wash up a little before hook came over. When she heard a knock at the door she sped towards it. She noticed Henry had turned on his game again and she sighed. She shook her head but composed herself to open the door.

"Hi Killian." She answered smiling. She moved out of the way to let him into the room.

"Ms.Swan." He greeted nodding. "Nice pants." He added. Emma looked down at her fuzzy pink pajama pants and blushed. She was sure her cheeks were red at this point but did her best to ignore it. She shut the door and let him into the kitchen where they'd have some privacy from Henry, who wouldn't have payed attention to them in the first place.

"Was there a reason you called earlier?" Emma asked walking over to her coffee maker and turning it on. 

"Yes. I was wondering if you'd mind attending a.. er.. dinner I'm having this Friday." Hook said scratching the back of his neck. Emma felt butterflies set off in her stomach. Was he asking her on a date? No, she was just being crazy..

"Who all will be there?" Emma asked suspiciously. Hook hadn't thought of that. He gulped nervously but decided to just tell the truth.

"Honestly Swan, I was figuring it would be for the two of us..  Just the two of us. Uh- but if Henry needs to come that's alright and you don't have to come if you don't want to I just thought-" But Emma cut him off.

"I'll get Henry a babysitter. Hook, I'd love to have dinner with you." Emma smiled, accepting his broad invitation. Hook smiled brightly showing off his brightly, polished teeth.

"Sounds great. See you tommorow." He said before walking out of her apartment quickly.  Emma smiled to herself whenever she heard the door close. She hadn't been on what you'd consider a "date" in years. She hadn't had the luxury. Now she was accepting the invitation to dinner with a man she'd grown fond of unexpectedly? Yes, apparently she was. Emma bit her lip to surpress a smile before walking into the living room and shutting off Henry's x-box.

"Mom!!" Henry yelled. She turned off the TV and gave him a disapproving look.

"I'm starving. Let's go get McDonald's." She said running to grab her keys off the counter. Henry and Emma left to go get some dinner while Hook sat alone at Granny's eating fries with a grin on his face.

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