Chapter 16:

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Emma heard a pounding on her bedroom door and a pounding in her head. She shielded her eyes from the sunlight that poured in from her bedroom window. She had a terrible hang over. Emma, drowned in her thoughts, had nearly forgotten the knocking at the door.

"What?!" She yelled. She covered her head in the covers and turned around. Oh Gosh. She had forgotten Killian was here. Man he looked so hot.. She was interrupted again by the knocking..

"Mom, it's 3 o'clock. You need to get up!!" Henry yelled from the other side of the door. Henry's yelling must have been loud enough to wake up Hook. He rolled over to look at Emma.

"Goodmorning love." He said. He leaned over and kissed her lips gently.

"Is someone in there??" Henry asked. Emma's eyes widened.

"Hide in the closet!!" She whispered to Hook, shooeing him out of her bed. "No sweetheart. It must be the TV or something." She grabbed a pair of cotton shorts and pulled them up her legs. She pushed Killian's clothes under her bed. She made sure Killian was in the closet before opening the door.

"I was beginning to worry you'd never wake up!!" Henry said laughing. Emma laughed nervously.

"I stayed out a little later than I had planned. Sorry kiddo." She apologized. Henry smiled and started to turn away. Emma felt relief he hadn't questioned her any farther.. That's when Henry caught a glimpse of a shiny, metal object sitting on Emma's bedside table.

"What's that?" Henry asked. He squeezed past Emma before she could get to him. Henry picked up the heavy hook that he had seen. "What aren't you telling me? This isn't yours. There's only one person I know who had one of these.." Emma's face was bright red and she was trying to figure out a way to distract Henry.

"That's a-uhm. Funny story." Emma started. "All of the guys went out with us last night. Hook was drunk, as always, and he had taken off his hook. I retrieved it for him and I planned on taking it to him later on tonight." Emma fibbed. She prayed Henry had bought her story.

"Oh weird. Why'd he take his Hook off?" He asked. Emma shrugged.

"Who knows.. he was drunk." She said. "Now I'm gonna get dressed..You go fix us some ham sandwhiches.. okay?" She said. Henry sighed.

"Fine. See you in a minute." He said walking out of the room. Emma slammed the door and slid to the floor. Damn that was a close one.

"You can come out." She said, locking her bedroom door. Hook came out dressed only in his boxers. Emma had forgotten that was all he wore to bed. He scratched behind his ear in the nervousy way he always seemed to do.

"So I'll be seeing you later tonight when you return my hook?" He asked flirtatiously. He stepped closer to Emma. "If you come over tonight we won't be drinking, so don't worry about that. We could have some alone time." He promised biting his lip. Just the thought made Emma's skin grow goosebumps. He looked so handsome standing there in front of her.

"We'll see, pirate." She said. She walked over to her bed and pulled his clothes out from under it. She through them on the bed. "Here's your clothes. I don't know how I getting out of here without Henry seeing you.." Hook stepped closer to her.

"Is the door locked?" He asked. She nodded. "Good." With the simple word he had grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. He kissed her like he'd never kissed anyone before. Emma's hand reached up into his hair for need of something to hold onto. It was as if they couldn't get enough of eachother. Constantly feeling the need to feel eachother. Hook's hand trailed down her back until her reached her butt. He gave her a strong squeeze. She bit her lip to hold back a moan. Her hands were placed on his chest and she slid them down until they reached his waist. She stopped there. Killian opened his mouth to ask for more but she stopped him. She slowly backed him up until he was on her bed and she was on top of him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him deeply. She slipped her tongue in his mouth. The two of them started making out. Emma had a new sense of control over Killian. He was already wrapped around her finger but even more at this point. She climbed off of him, leaving him laying on her bed helpless and needy.

"Get dressed pirate. Henry and I are leaving in 20. Leave 5 minuted after us. Got it?" She said. She unlocked the door and left. She closed the door behind her sassily, it knowledge of what she had just done. Killian was left alone. Damn she was a bloody vixen. He was going to make her pay for what she had done.. tonight.

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