Chapter 18:

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Emma didn't dress special for Hook's tonight. She didn't have to. She knew Hook loved her either way. Plus she didn't need Henry's suspicions. Emma grabbed the Hook off of her beside table and ran her index finger along the cold metal tip. She out pressure against the tip of the hook until it pricked her skin. A small bit of blood trickled from the open wound. Emma winced and removed her finger but continued to marvel are the piece of metal that replaced her pirate's hand. She lowered the hook beside her where her hand rested against her thigh and she went into the kitchen. She laid the hook on the counter and began to fix dinner. She wasn't the best cook but if she didn't burn the food it didn't taste half bad. Emma made hamburger helper and called Henry in. The two ate their dinner and talked. They hadn't gotten a chance to do that in a long time.

"Do you think I could stay with Regina tonight? I've been missing her lately." Henry said. Emma felt a little guilty. He probably felt left out.. She'd been leaving the past few nights and planned to go out again tonight.

"If you want to go, sure! Give her a call though before. You know she loves it when you stay." Emma said cleaning up their plates as Henry went to grab the phone. The night was going perfectly as planned.

Hook had gotten dressed once again in his heavy leather clothing. He had nothing else to wear.. He didn't know if Emma was coming tonight or not but he hoped she would. Especially since she had his hook. He felt like he needed it. He made sure the captain's quarters were nice in case they were to use that room tonight. He then sat and waited. In hopes that his princess would come.

Emma took Henry over to Regina's later that night. She hated knowing the fact that Henry wouldn't be there when she got home but she was glad he got to spend time with his other mom. Emma drove her yellow bug to the pier just as the sun was setting and the moon was beginning to shine. For the sun dies every day so the moon has a chance to shine. Emma grabbed the hook from her passenger seat and closed her door behind her. When she boarded the ship, there was practically silence. Usually she had a hearty greeting from hook.. She went below deck where it was cold and dark. She walked to the Captain's Quarters and knocked on the door. There was no response. She'd never been down here but it was creeping her out. She decided to open the door.

"Killian?" She started as she walked into the room. The room was lit by candlelight and Emma marveled at the thought put into the room. It was definitely nicer than any other part of the ship. She felt someone from behind her place their hands on her stomach.

"Guess who?" A rough voice said chuckling. Emma grinned. Hook's soft lips made their way to her neck and began to kiss her neck gently. Emma closed her eyes and was lost in the moment. She moved her hands behind her and felt for him. She brushed her fingertips over the thick leather jacket he wore. Emma turned around to face him. His eyes were a beautiful blue and they sent her heart racing.

"Kiss me." She whispered. Hook leaned in and she moved out of the way. She laughed. "I can play you so easily." Emma giggled. Hook rolled his eyes. That damn woman.. Hook grabbed her and pushed her onto the bed in the corner of the room.

"I'm the one who runs things on my ship." He told her. His lips were instantly on hers and he could feel the raw need coursing through his veins. The need for her and only her. Emma pushed Hook's coat of off his shoulders. It fell to a heap in the floor.

"Wait-" Emma stopped. She leaned over and grabbed the hook she had dropped onto the bed. "I want you to wear this. I want to love every part of you tonight." Emma explained. She helped Killian put the Hook on. She stared into his eyes as she did it. Once the hook was attached she started kissing him again. She was hungry for his kiss and she was getting her fill. She felt the familiar cold metal that had pricked her finger earlier run down her bare arm. The cold metal formed goosebumps on her warm skin. Emma thought of how many before her had been in this very position in this room.. The idea almost made her sick. The idea of any woman besides her pleasuring him. She reached for the laces of his leather pants and unknotted them. After fumbling around a while, she had them untied. Hook pulled Emma's pullover off with one hand. He felt a knot in his throat when he saw her in just a bra. He had never marveled at a girl's beauty before sex before. He also had never been with such a beautiful girl. Hook kissed Emma lovingly on the forehead and reached behind her back. She gave him an approving look. He unbuckled her bra and brought it to the floor. The top half of her was now bare to him. Hook started to reach out to touch her but lowered his hand. He had done this before but it felt like this first time. Emma giggled.

"It's okay.." She said. She took his hand and placed it on one of her breasts. She rested it there a minute before removing her hand and leaving his there. He kneaded the soft skin repeatedly. Emma closed her eyes and groaned. She hadn't done anything like this in a long time. This went on for several minutes before Emma made the next move. She rested her hand on his knee. She inched it closer to his crotch as he fondled her. When she reached the spot he needed her most, Hook gasped. Her fingers drummed the outside of his pants. He gulped..

"When I said I wanted to love every part of you.. I meant it." Emma whispered. She leaned over so that her lips were against his ear lobe and she kissed down his ear lobe, to his neck, and stopped at his chest. It was a very intimate moment but Emma was vulnerable. He reached out with his hand and tickled her. She squealed like a little girl and tried to push his hand away. She started laughing again and her eyes met his again.

"Gosh, I love you." Emma said practically pouncing on him. She said it so effortlessly. The words were powerful and meaningful yet she had all the power and strength to say them. Hook twirled a lock of hair around his hook and kissed her lips again. He dragged his fingertips along her hot skin until they reached her waistline. She broke the kiss and smiled at him then proceeded to undress herself. He did the same.

Emma kissed his forehead softly. They had goofed off all night as they usually did but this was a bit different. She silently moved so she'd be on the bottom and he'd hover over her. Hook gracefully moved on top of her, so gentle as if he was afraid to crush her.

"Emma," He said nervously before they did anything else.

"Mhm?" She asked.

"I-I think I'm in love with you." He stuttered nervously. He swallowed. Afraid he had driven her away. Maybe Emma had only said it playfully earlier.. Maybe she was just kidding. She probably just 'loved' him as a friend.. but friends wouldn't be doing this.. All of Hook's worries faded away as Emma leaned up slightly, enough to give him a real kiss. She then laid back down and whispered.

"I love you too."

The night proceeded on. They made love to one another. They weren't having a meaningless one night stand, they weren't simply fucking, they were proving their love to one another. For once in Emma's life she felt whole. She felt loved. This man, who she had met as a villain, was now becoming her hero. He took away her pain and hurtful memories. Not just for brief moment but forever. She was beginning to accept her love for him. A love she had for only him. Hook hadn't even realized how he had affected the woman in front of him. He hoped and prayed that she would truly love him. Hook had brought many women back to his ship. Many women he believed he had feelings for and many he hardly knew nor cared about. This one was different. This woman made him laugh. He treasured the small moments he had with her. He studied her actions. He loved everything about her. From the way she took care of Henry, to the way she addressed him as Killian when everyone else called him Hook. He knew from the moment he met her, she was something special. And in this moment, in this night, she was his. Just as he had dreamed of.

After their events, Emma and Killian laid side by side in his bed. Emma lay her head on his chest. He had her arms draped around her. He held her close to his side. Their legs were entangled together. It felt strange. With one smooth leg and one hairy leg. It made Emma giggle. Other than her quiet giggling the room was silent. Killian was at a loss of words. He stared at the ceiling thinking of just how lucky he was to be holding this woman in his arms.

"I've never done that before.." Killian laughed to himself. Emma was confused. She knew of his past.

"What do you mean? What about Milah? And-" Emma started but Hook stopped her laughing.

"With the hook. That sounds stupid but most women prefer a man without a metal contraption for his hand." Hook paused and sighed. "Even Milah would make me take it off. She was.. afraid of me. You trust me." Hook said grinning. Trust was something that Emma wasn't accustomed to. The word scared her but she couldn't help but admit she trusted Hook. She even let him watch Henry.

"Well that hook made it all the more fun." Emma said winking. She was only kidding but she reached a hand out to run her fingers along the metal curve. "I don't understand how they could ask you to take it off though. It's almost like it's part of you, you know? It makes you well, you." Emma said. It hurt her knowing Hook hadn't always been treated the way she treated him.

"There's no need to worry about that, love." Hook said. He pulled her as close to him as humanly possible and wrapped both arms around her waist.  He kissed her cheek and then turned to his side to blow out the candle. In the darkness it wasn't visible to Killian but Emma was smiling. She hadn't felt this way in a long time.

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