Chapter Four:

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Henry was consumed in an intense part of his video game when he heard the phone ring. He hesitated to answer it but when he realized Emma wasn't going to get it, he answered.

"Hello?" He said into the phone.

"Hi, may I speak to Emma?" A thick, Irish accent said into the phone.

"She's sleeping. Do you mind if I have her call you back?" Henry asked.

"No, not at all. Tell her it's Hook. Bye Henry." Hook said into the phone before a dull buzz of the ended phone call rang through Henry's ears. Henry thought not much of ir and sat the phone down on the coffee table and pressed resume on his game. Hook, on the other hand, had been anxiously waiting outside of the apartment building hoping to pay a visit to Emma. He'd been planning on asking her out for a while now and thought today was right. In his dismay, he walked to the library where he'd sit in the quietness and secretly drink rum behind bookshelves that reeked of moth balls and dust. When he walked into the library, it was empty as always. He was headed towards his usual spot, when he heard a cheery voice call his name.

"Hook? What are you doing here?" Belle asked him. He smiled brightly. He knew Belle was dating Rumplestiltskein but he still wanted to make a good impression on her. As you know, he is a lady's man.

"Oh just, ya know... Reading." He stalled. She gave him a dissaproving look and she slowly walked around the librarian's desk.

"Mhm. Reading." She mimicked grabbing the bottle of rum hidden in his belt. He gave her a charming smile.

"Can't blame a man for trying." He joked in his cheeky manner. "So how have things been with you?" Belle sighed but didn't know how to respond. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Things have been good I guess. Same old stuff. And you Captain?" She asked smiling at the word 'captain'. This put a smile on Hook's face as well and he decided to sit down and make himself comfortable. 

"Well, I've been pretty good.. I need some advice from you actually." He explained nervously.  Belle, surprised, sat down at a chair beside Hook's so they could talk a minute. "You see, I like Emma. I can't tell if she likes me or not.. I'm going to ask her on a date tonight and I have no idea of where to take her." Hook explained. Belle smiled. She thought it'd be good for Emma to get out a little. A new love interest would probably bring more happiness into her life.

"Emma's a very practical person. I honestly think she'd love any place you took her as long as you treat her well." Belle said smiling. "You have nothing to worry about." This made Hook extremely happy.

"Thanks Belle. It means a lot. Now, can I have my bottle of rum back?" He asked. Belle laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Really??" She asked. It was unbelievable how little he'd paid attention to their conversation.  He wanted a drink to lessen his nerves a bit and it was all he could focus on.

"After all, I still am a pirate." He said proving a point. Belle shook her head and grabbed the bottle off of her desk.

"Her you go. Now, whenever you ask Emma, be a gentleman. She isn't too open to dating so be patient with her. She'll need you to tolerate her because she likes to think through decisions." Belle said doing her best to help. Hook smiled and began to walk away. "Oh and one more thing!" She yelled. He paused and looked over his shoulder. "Smile." She added making an eexaggerated toothy smile.

"I'll do my best." Hook said grinning already before walking out of the library and waiting for a call back from Emma.

Beyond Our Comprehension. (Captain Swan)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz