Chapter 17:

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Hook got dressed alone in Emma's room. He hates putting all of the heavy leather on over the thin boxers he had just worn. It weighed him down. Sometimes it was strange in Storybrooke because everyone else wore modern clothes and he wore pirate attire. He sat in Emma's room for about 20 minutes and waited to hear her leave. With his ear pressed to the door Hook listened for some sort of signal of her departure. There were none. It had been about 25 minutes and Hook decided it was probably safe for him to go home. He opened up the bedroom door and walked down the quiet hallway. Luckily no one was there. He reached the door of her apartment with ease and snuck out. That's when it hit him he had his hook on. If Emma needed an excuse to come over he needed to leave it there.

"Bloody hell.." He mumbled. He unravelled the old wrappings and disconnected the hook from his wrist. He went back inside the apartment and laid it back where Henry had found it. He wasn't sure when they'd be back but figured it would be a while. Hook walked around the room. His boots echoed throughout the apartment. There was a picture Emma had hanging on her wall. It was a group of friends from years ago. Maybe from highschool? Hook laughed as he looked at the picture. Emma's hair was short and curled so it would stop just at her shoulders. She wore a pink pullover and lightwash jeans. Hook couldn't help but think Emma looked beautiful in everything. As Hook started to make his way down the hall, he heard the door being unlocked. Hook had lost track of time and Emma must've gotten home. He dove behind the kitchen counter just as they were walking in. Henry walked in first and sat on the couch. Emma was unlocking the door and Hook tried to get her attention.

"I'm making some tea. You want some?" Emma asked. Henry nodded. When Emma turned the corner into the kitchen she nearly screamed. She had to cover her mouth not to. Hook had put one finger over his lips to shush her. She kneeled down. "What the hell are you doing here??" She whisper-yelled.

"I lost track of time, miss." Hook said charmingly. Emma rolled her eyes.

"Well how am I sposed to get you out now??" Emma said wide-eyed.

"Ask Henry to get something out of his room." Emma stood up and tried to think of something.

"Hey kiddo, do you still have the book? The one with fairytales and everything." She asked.

"Of course I do."

"Well, I need to look something up. Would you mind getting it?"

"Sure thing." Henry got of the couch and disappeared down the hallway. Emma practically pushed Hook towards the door.

"Until tonight?" Hook said kissing Emma quickly.

"Until tonight." She grinned. She closed the door and turned around. Henry was standing at the end of the hallway. His jaw was opened and his eyes wide.

"Was that- Did you just- Mom?" Henry asked. Emma felt heat rise to her cheeks and she said nothing.

"Thanks for the book!" She said. She took it from him, went to her room, and locked the door. She tossed it on her bed and let out a deep breath. They were so damn close. Hook had to fuck it up. She plopped down on her bed. Her head was still pounding from last night and she decided to take a nap. It would relieve her of overthinking anything.

While Emma went to sleep, Hook was just as giddy as over. It was unknown to him that they had been caught by Henry. He walked to the dock alone but he liked it that way. He went into the captain's quarters of the Jolly Roger into his bathroom. An old yellowed mirror with cracks along the side hung in there. His guyliner had been smudged on his lower eyelid. He grabbed a rag and tried wiping it off but it wouldn't budge. He decides to take a shower. He figured the warm water would clear his thoughts. Hook turned the knobs on the wall until he heard the whoosh of water against the porcelain tub. After minutes of struggling he got his attire off. He didn't realize how much he used that hook of his. He took off his rings with his teeth and sat them on the counter. He then got in the shower. The warm water hit his back and ran down his skin. He took his hand and ran it through his hair. Man, last night was amazing. He never expected Emma to invite him in, nonetheless stay the night. He felt like they had grown closer in the past night. He washed his face and sudded up his body. He let the soap sit on a skin until he rinsed it off. He then shampooed his hair and rinsed that off. He turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. He dried of his body and then dried off his hair which was dripping water onto the rest of his body. Hook wrapped the towel around his waist and tied it. Being alone most of the time had its ups and downs. This was an up. He could walk around in his towel as long as he pleased without worry of anyone seeing him. It was a pirate's life for Hook.

Beyond Our Comprehension. (Captain Swan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang