Chapter Six:

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The next morning Hook woke up reluctantly.  That's when he remembered he had, what he would consider a date, with Emma. He practically leapt out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He pondered shaving but found that women didn't necessarily love a cleanly shaven man. So he trimmed it a bit but left it alone. He got into the shower and began washing up. His dark, jet black hair hung in his eyes as it soaked up the water. He watched as the cloudy water gathered at the drain taking the dirt away from his body. Hook leaned his head against the cold shower wall and let the hot water smother his body.  Did he love Emma? Or was his heart just manipulating him again. What was the point of love if all it does is hurt you in the end? Hook was lost in his thoughts for the next 20 minutes and came to the conclusion that for once in his life, he loved someone. That someone was Emma Swan.

Henry and Emma didn't have any plans for the morning so before Henry woke up, Emma bought a dozen doughnuts. When Henry did wake up, they ate breakfast together and then spent the morning lounging around on the couch playing GTA V.

"This game's pretty violent." Emma commented as she based a drug dealer's head into a brick wall. Henry shrugged.

"Says the woman who loves a pirate." Emma froze and opened her mouth in shock.

"I don't love Killian." She scoffed in shock.

"Sure you don't." Henry continued. Emma sighed loudly.

"Why do you think I love him? Nonetheless like him?" Emma asked pausing the game.

"Really mom?! I was just about to kill him!!" Henry groaned. Emma gave him a stern look. "Okay fine. Sorry. It's just- whenever the two of you talk, you light up. I don't see that look you give him whenever you look at anyone else. Face it mom, you like him." Emma gulped and tried to push down the happy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She felt dumb asking her son about love. Shouldn't it be the other way around?? She was going to change the topic, but she had one more question..

"Henry, do you think he loves me?" She asked nervously. She fiddled with the controller in her hand. Henry was silent. Maybe she shouldn't have asked that question..

"What do you think?" He asked. She waited for him to explain more but that was to no avail. Emma dropped the subject and resumed the game. The two of them continued to play with no sound but the clicking of buttons, the sound of joysticks, and the sounds coming from the TV.

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