Chapter 15:

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"So what have you been up to while I've been away?" Emma asked. She had moved and was now sitting beside Hook in the booth.

"Well I've been thinking about you a lot." Hook said grinning. He scooted closer to her. She smiled and glanced at his lips. She started giggling, slowly at first, but then uncontrollably. She was extremely drunk. "What's so funny?" Hook asked. He had to laugh a little himself. Emma threw her arms in the air and made a goofy face and laughed evrn harder. She laughed a little more but then calmed down.

"You're really cute." Emma said. Hook chuckled to himself.

"You my darling, are beautiful." Hook said. She leaned in close enough to kiss him and he did the same. The space between them began to dissipate as the two grew closer to one another. Emma's mouth opened slightly and she could feel Hooks hot breath against her lips. Something stopped her though and she pulled back.

"I can't in front of everyone. Sorry.." She apologized. She tucked her hair behind her ear and placed her folded hands in her lap. Hook took his metal hook and let the tip of it touch her chin. He turned her head so that he was facing her.

"Promise me you'll save that kiss for later?" He offered. Emma's cheeks blushed red and she nodded.

"Why don't we get out of here and go somewhere a little more private.." Emma suggested. She ran her index finger along the curve of Killian's hook. He swallowed anxiously and nodded. He lowered his Hook from his chin as she took his hand in hers leading him to the back of the restaurant. They went down a hallway where no one would see them. Emma grabbed his collar and pulled him down to kiss her. Her hungrily kissed he back. She grabbed at his coat in need of something to hold on to. His hands traveled down her body and felt her body. Emma's hands went to his hair and tugged his curls. He groaned in response. She reached behind her back and started to unzip her dress. Hook reached behind her back and stopped her. He broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes. He did want that. He wasn't going to lie to himself. He couldn't take advantage of her though, especially if she was drunk.

"But-" She started but Hook cut her off with a gentle peck on the lips.

"Not tonight, love. Do you want me to take you home?" Hook offered. Emma nodded. He helped her zip her dress back up and took her hand. This time he led her back into the dining room. Red who had been talking to Dr.Whale. She looked over his shoulder and looked at Emma. She rose an eyebrow towards her as Hook led her out of Granny's.

"Killian, I'm sorry about tonight.." Emma blushed. She was embarassed. She didn't want to rush him into things..

"Emma, it's fine. I just don't want you to do something you wouldn't want to do sober." Hook said. Inside he'd hoped she would still want him sober but he was all about good form and he figured Emma would be thankful in the morning. Hook walked with Emma until he got to her apartment.

"I had an amazing night Killian." Emma smiled. She looked down at her feet and grinned.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Hook said politely. He turned around and walked down the hallway. He was going to go back to his ship.

"Wait." Emma stopped him. "Stay? Please. We won't do anything.. I just want you here with me." Hook felt his heart jump in his chest and he smiled at her.

"If you insist." He winked turning back to follow her into her apartment. Emma unlocked the door and saw Henry had fallen asleep on the couch. She glanced at the clock and saw it was nearly 4:30. She'd stayed out later than intented. She turned off the TV and Henry's game console. She then went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. There was nothing worse than the taste of alcohol on your teeth. She wiped off her makeup and looked in the mirror. She was self conscious of herself without makeup but she didn't want to wake up looking like a raccoon. She made her way into her bedroom where Hook had stripped down to his boxers. She gulped at the sight and looked away. She didn't want to seem like a pervert.

"I'm changing.. Don't look.." Emma said. She looked over her shoulder at Hook who was watching her. "I said don't look!!" She laughed.

"Fine, fine." He laughed. She unstrapped her heels and took them off. She unzipped her dress and let it pool at her ankles. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She then searched her draw for her night dress that she kept for "special occasions". It was a silky red and stopped just under her ass. She glanced back at Hook who had not turned around. He was staring at her. His jaw dropped and if this were a cartoon he'd be drooling. Emma giggled to herself. She walked over to her door and locked it. They didn't need any interruptions from Henry.. She crawled into bed and pulled the blanket over herself. She turned to face Hook who was still staring at her.

"Swan, I must say I've never seen you more beautiful." Hook said breathlessly. His eyes scanned her body mindlessly. Emma leaned up and kissed him. She then laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. In a matter of minutes she was asleep and Hook was allowed the pleasure to watch her beautiful face as long as he pleased.

|| I was on vacation so I didn't update but while I was gone I recieved an incredible amount of sweet DMs and comments wanting me to update so thank you guys! I wouldn't be doing this without YOUR support.

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