Chapter Nine:

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Emma had gotten up early the next morning and gone to the library to talk to Belle. Belle was wise in her young age because of all she'd read. Her advice was logical and with her kind heart she was also caring and not all hard facts. Emma walked into the library. The bell above her head, signaling her arrival, tinkled gently. Emma heard the familiar sound of Belle's heels rapping against the wooden floors.

"Hey Em!" She greeted. Emma always loved the nickname Belle had given her. It always put a smile on her face. Emma walked over to her and hugged her.

"Gosh I've missed you." Emma said into her ear. Belle smiled a warm grin. She nodded, silently telling her she'd missed her too. "So congrats on the wedding." Emma said. Belle's face lit up. She was grinning from ear to ear.

"Thanks, Emma. He's just so incredible." Belle said with a dreamy look in her eye. Emma giggled thinking back to their past. The two of them fell in love. It's a mystery how! "So I've heard you've been having a love interest in your life lately." Belle winked. Emma felt the air in her chest be sucked away. Oh God, had Belle seen their kiss? If she didn't, what if someone else did? What if the whole town knew? She'd be humiliated! It wasn't because of Hook, he was fine. It was the idea of everyone knowing about her special secret. She wasn't very open and didn't plan on starting to be anytime soon.. "Not one I approve of too much either. He did shoot me ya know." She continued. By this point Emma's face was blood red. "Yeah, everyone in Storybrooke knows about you two."

"OH MY GOSH HOW?! WHO SAW US KISS LAST NIGHT? WHO TOLD EVERYONE??" Emma gasped. She felt her heart drop. She was afraid of this. Belle accidentally cracked a smile and then began laughing uncontrollably. "What's so funny??" Emma said huffing.

"Not everyone knows. Henry came in here this morning and told me the two of you were 'hanging out' last night.. Now he didn't tell me about the kiss? Seems like y'all did a little more than hanging out.." She teased poking Emma's side. Emma felt relieved but didn't appreciate the teasing. "So when did you kindle this romance with 'Jack Sparrow'?" Belle asked. Emma giggled. She had been watching modern movies with Belle in their free time and the pirate reference made her laugh.

"Well, it's hard to put a start to it.. It just.. happened I guess." Emma said smiling. "I actually came here for advice about that, I like him. It's obvious he likes me. I'm just scared." Emma admitted.

"Scared of what?" Belle asked.

"Scared of rejection. Scared of hurting. Scared of love." Emma sighed. She hadn't fallen in love in a long time and her luck with love wasn't very good. Her first love left her to go to jail while she was pregnant. The next man she had fallen for was killed. She couldn't stand heart break like that again.. She couldn't do it..

"Emma, you've been through a lot more than I have. I can only help you with as much as I've experienced. When Rumple found me I had to leave my father. Rumple treated me like a slave. The hell I went through was nearly unbearable. Then one day something changed. It's inexplicable. We just, connected. We've been torn apart by curses, villians, eachother. And I couldn't be happier." Belle smiled. "What I'm trying to say is, love is hard. It isn't going to be easy but, you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince charming." She smiled. Emma smiled too.

"Thanks Belle. That really helped." Emma said turning to leave.

"Oh and Emma?" Belle stopped her. Emma turned to see what she was going to say.

"How was the kiss on a scale from 1-10?" Belle teased. Emma rolled her eyes and left to Belle's laughter filling the entire building.

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