"So you gonna meet my friends?"

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Therealagustd 🔥: hello

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: 'sup

So what is the matter still not getting farther with your lyrics and you need moral support

I am good at granting at least that

Therealagustd 🔥: it is alright now

I mean the lyrics writing

I will take my time, you can be patient right?

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: you can bet ya ass I can be patient!

I am the most patient person ever!

But what about the others?!

Therealagustd 🔥: they should wait

If they don't want to wait long they weren't fans in the first place

I will not take half assed people as my fans


What you up to?

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: oh Yeah I am actually trying to prepare for the BigHit thing

But it is so hard TT

Therealagustd 🔥: well I wish you good luck

What do you want to do?

I am curious

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: oh boy

Do you know the song paper hearts?

Therealagustd 🔥: hmm nope, not really


Kookie 🍪 the 🐇:

Here ya go

Therealagustd 🔥: oh wow

I bet you will do well

That sounds so nice...

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: yeah

I do hope so

Therealagustd 🔥: my fingers are crossed!

You can do that I bet my ass on that!

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: I bet you have a nice ass

Not that I know what it looks like

Therealagustd 🔥: what?!

Jungkook I thought you were innocent!!!

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: what sexual things are about, yeah I am very much innocent

Like peaches 'n cream *shivers*

But looking at a fine ass

God damn no I am not innocent at all

Sorry to burst that bubble

Therealagustd 🔥: so you don't know what s&m is?!

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: huh?


Should I Google it or nah?

Therealagustd 🔥: oh hell nah you are not googling that!!

I don't want to be responsible for being the one to scar and possibly ruin you for the rest of your life!!

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: alright alright

I won't

Because I am a good boy

Therealagustd 🔥: good to know you won't

And forget what I said!

I won't ruin your innocence when it comes to stuff like that

But you can perv all you want over my ass that you don't know how it looks

16:47 ✔️


I do question myself sometimes lol what even is this?!

Yoongi does have a nice ass though XD All of them do geez... Ok someone help my sanity XD

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