"So how's it going with your learning?"

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Welcome to Hell

TheonlyJin: God damn you

Because of you I had to put money in the swear jar!

Therealagustd 🔥: #sorrynotsorry

Like seriously at one point it had to happen...

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: please don't this will start a war

TheonlyJin: what did you say?!

I never wanted to swear in front of my youngers!

Please understand and respect that!

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: Geez



Quick someone change the topic!

I am your hope: so how is it going with learning for your audition?

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: oh it is actually going good

What did you do to get accepted?

I am your hope: Actually?

I danced XD

I just started to rap too, once I learned of Rap Monster and Suga!

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: ohhh really?!

That is so cool!

You are a good rapper too

All those people saying you are not good, but damn you are good


I am your hope: awww that is sweet ^^

Thank you

Can't wait to meet you

See your face

And then tell Agust D how good looking you are, but he will never see you!

Therealagustd 🔥: :')

Thank you Hope...

Not helpful...

I am your hope: love ya!

Rap Monster 🤢: ha! We will see him but you don't!

A Cup Of Tae: ok is bad or good that I am laughing?

ChimCham 💁🏻: meh I think it isn't bad

He is in for it himself

So whatever!

TheonlyJin: Yeah, well we already know what he looks like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


14:57 ✔️


So yeah!

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