"It's over thank god!"

2.9K 123 0

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: I am actually glad it is over

But Suga is scary

He glared at me

Then he spaced out it was weird...

Hey are you there?


Hmm whatever write me when you are back again from whatever you are doing!

15:54 ✔️

Welcome to Hell

A Cup of Tae: ok but did you see Mon and hope's faces? They were like totally shook and this Suga was staring weirdly at Jungkookie but still

I am just glad it is over

ChimCham 💁🏻: ok but where did they go?

TheonlyJin: Yeah no clue...

I mean they weren't actually in the groupchat to begin with

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: well @Agust_D didn't answer me too

Whatever they are doing man

Don't think they actually have a say in if we get chosen or not

A Cup Of Tae: probably not but we can hope can't we?

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: maybe J-Hope

Ok bye I am out that was bad!
15:59 ✔️


Heuhe still the same day anyways this was it

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