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Welcome to Hell

ChimCham 💁🏻: Sooooooooooooo

A Cup Of Tae: Sooooooooooooo

TheonlyJin: Sooooooooooooo

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: Sooooooooooooo

Therealagustd 🔥: omg

What do you want dafuq?

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: that's not nice Hyung

Therealagustd 🔥: sorry

I am your hope: whipped

Rap Monster 🤢:

TheonlyJin: I can agree on that

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TheonlyJin: I can agree on that

ChimCham 💁🏻: ^

A Cup Of Tae: ^^

Therealagustd 🔥: whatever I am out

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: No wait!

Ok so what we wanted to say was, stop no not that Hyungs whipped, he is not.jsjxjshd

Stop it

Ok what we wanted to say

We got accepted kakdjdnsk

Therealagustd 🔥: oh congratulations

So that's good

I am your hope: i am yodeling

Rap Monster 🤢: he meant yelling

But congratulations

TheonlyJin: I can't wait to work with you

ChimCham 💁🏻: what he meant is: I am totally head over heals for Namjoon!

A Cup Of Tae: #exposed

ChimCham 💁🏻: so Kookie are you happy to work with them?

Especially Yoongi?

Kookie 🍪 the 🐇: nein

Yes I just googled it

He is scary

Scary Hyung

Therealagustd 🔥: awww come on I bet he isn't that bad...

TheonlyJin: if Jungkook is scared then he is scared no need to try and change that

A Cup Of Tae: or is there something we need to know?

Therealagustd 🔥: No nah nada nothing nichts

Uhm yeah I Googled some words too I can do that too

ChimCham 💁🏻: *looks suspiciously on his phone*


14:23 ✔️


I am your hope: dafuq dude?!

You know you are acting too suspicious

Rap Monster 🤢: dude they already suspicious

Especially Jungkook

Maybe you should just tell them

Therealagustd 🔥: then the author wouldn't have her fun with this

Uhm God damn you autocorrect

What I wanted to say is

I am not gonna say, I kept my identity hidden 'till now it sill stay hidden

Rap Monster 🤢: you do know that they will find out once you bring out your mixtape

Since you, as Agust D, are signed under Bigshit


God damn autocorrect

I am your hope: *looks accusingly at someone*

Anyways you are stupid Yoongi

Totally and utterly stupid

Plus the kids scared of you Yoongi

I mean as Yoongi not as Agust D

Therealagustd 🔥: God damn you

I fucking know he is scared and it makes me legit sad!

I really want him to like me

But I don't wanna expose myself

What should I do

I am your hope: No clue dude

You got yourself into this dilemma shovel yourself a grave or get out of it before anyone get's hurt

Therealagustd 🔥: shit why did you have to be right

What to do?



Some jokes here are just legit typos I made like the hoe did you get that, I just legit wrongly wrote hoe and was like yeah let's make a joke out of it

So I brought it back but seriously my phone recommends Bigshit already *sigh* I just lovingly call BigHit that when they pull some Bigshit like the highlight reels who left me emotionally confused...

Ok bye

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