"Just tell him you idiot!"

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Jungkook stared at his phone, breathing ragged. He didn't knew why he panicked so much. He was reminded of some things and now he was in this state of panic. Feeling his phone go off, he couldn't even check that. How long he sat there like this on his bed he didn't knew.

What he knew was that the panic has set in again. He heard the door creak open, but he didn't look up to check who it is. He heard footsteps coming closer from more then one person. Seeing his Hyung's crouch down infront of him.

"Kook, could you look at us!" Jin said in a soothing voice, Jungkook's eyes darted around and never focused on anything. When they entered they already saw the youngest was hyperventilating. They only heard of it, from Jin and Jungkook.

Jin looked to the other two and nodded at them. They needed to do something so, Jin stayed while Jimin and Taehyung got the things they needed. Taking a small plastic bag without any content and some water for Jungkook to drink.

Handing the plastic bag to Jin he took it and put it in front of Jungkook's mouth. Who was still hyperventilating.

"Kook, breath in and breath out! Breath with me!" Jin said calmly, starting to show the younger how to breath. Jungkook breathed in and out, the bag filled with air and then defeated once he breathed in again.

His breath, seemed to even out. Once they were completely sure Jungkook stopped hyperventilating, taking the bag away and looking at the younger who seemed to be calmed down. Jin took the glass of water in his hand and sat down next to Jungkook.

"Are you better? Do you want to drink something?" Jin asked the younger who shook his head. Putting the drink away Jin pulled the younger into his embrace. Shushing him, the other two sat down on the other side of Jungkook.

"I am afraid, what if I throw up?" Jungkook started to talk. Jin sighed, knowing where this fear resolves from.

"You won't, look at me Jungkook!" The younger hesitantly raised his head and looked at Jin.

"I know you are afraid of this, but just know we are afraid too. Everyone is, even the biggest performer will get the jitters before they go on stage. But once they are on stage, they perform a wonderful stage and start to enjoy it. Don't let it get to your head ok? Remember we are there for you!" Jin ended and the younger nodded.

"We are always here for you too, right Tae?" Jimin asked nudging his boyfriend. Who looked up fast and nodded.

"Yes we are!" He agreed and Jungkook relaxed into the hug provided by Jin. They lived together for a long time now obviously they knew how the others worked. The thing is Jin and Jungkook know each other the longest.

They sat there like this for a few hours until it was time to go. Jungkook put his phone on silent and put it into his backpocket he didn't want to be disturbed. Jin asked to talk to Jungkook who nodded and looked at Jin.

"Look, don't think about it, think you are alone in your room and practice singing and dancing." Jungkook nodded and tried to breath calmly.

So they got ready and walked out taking transportation so they arrive at BigHit in time.

Meanwhile at BigHit the three rapper were waiting, except one was freaking out internally. He looked around and saw the others looking at him. Tilting his head he looked annoyed at the other two.


"What are you thinking about? That he might find out you are actually Agust D?" Hoseok asked and looked at Yoongi. The older just shook his head.

"No, I mean he nearly figured that out in a chat conversation, but then he let it go!" Yoongi said looking at the other two who nodded.

"Still there is the possibility of him finding out, especially when he comes to BigHit." Namjoon said to that. "Do you know how the chances change, plus you can never do a face reveal with your Agust D Personality." Namjoon added furthermore, making the other two groan and look at him.

"Please stop being an intellectual!" Yoongi and Hoseok said at the same time. Namjoon blinked at the two and then shook his head.

"Well, I am not gonna talk to you again!" Namjoon said throwing his hands in the air and walks away from them. Yoongi and Hoseok look at each other and shrug at the same time.

They watched Namjoon walking away, so Yoongi decided to go and try to write the songs for Agust D. While Hoseok roamed around a little. They were free today so they could watch the audition of these boys.

Namjoon and Hoseok don't understand why Yoongi doesn't tell Jungkook who he is, since it could make things a little awkward or hard if Jungkook ever finds out.

They told Yoongi this "Just tell him you idiot!" He just doesn't listen to the others. Even though their advice was good. Excluding the insult.

Yoongi groaned once he heard his phone vibrate. They were talking in thr groupchat again. This time about how Jungkook looks which made Yoongi groan more. Sighing he laid the phone away, I mean he would see Jungkook he just isn't allowed to let it slip. Otherwise he would probably be in deep shit.

Looking at the clock his eyes widened, he was already that long in the room? He has to go to meet the others. Quickly standing up and walking to where the others were.

Opening the door everyone looked up and at him. He groaned again. He bowed quickly as an apology for being late. And sat down next to the others. Looking at the people infront of him he recognized those he saw pictures of.

But one stood out to him, not because he hasn't seen any pictures of him. No it has to do with something else, the other seemed to recognize him too. They quickly stood up and pointed at each other.



Ha, yeah it was quite obvious wasn't it? Anyways next chapter will continue from here on, I also don't have a clue how those auditions work, so I assume that they sing and Rap or dance. And I also don't really have an actual clue about how the trainee time works. I only write this based on what the idols tell about their trainee times which they sometimes do but otherwise I don't have a clue how it works.

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