"I can't do this like this!"

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The next day everyone was at practice, the tension though was so thick you could cut it with a knife. It was so superior that even those who weren't the people in question felt tense.

But those five people did observe the two, always staying away from each other avoiding each other, even Jungkook who hates third wheeling made himself a third wheel. He was around the VMin couple all the time, to avoid Yoongi at all cost.

Yoongi on the other hand snatched Hoseok for himself, he was attached to his friend like glue sticks to paper. Making the seemingly only two responsible people in the group sigh repeatedly that day.

They looked at each other as if talking in their minds, which they did. At one point they gave up in figuring out how to disperse the tension for now.

The VMin couple tried to talk Jungkook into talking to Yoongi. The youngest refused it at all cost. He didn't and couldn't talk to the older, it would most likely end up hurting him again. That was something he was afraid of.

Hoseok tried to make the older apologize, in which the older knew he should do and it was the only right thing to do. But he also knew that Jungkook most likely won't accept the apology, which would make him feel hurt.

So the day was a really silent one for Yoongi and Jungkook. Namjoon and Jin finally came to an agreement, that they would try and talk to the other individually. The groupchat to plan this, didn't come far the day before.

So they had to try and do their best today, though it probably won't do anything. Since they knew both parties in this mess were stubborn. At the end of the day they could say they tried. At least.

When the practice was finished Yoongi fled the room somewhere. Soon after Jungkook fled the room and walked to the dorm. Namjoon and Jin looked at each other knowing exactly what to do.

Namjoon walked over to Hoseok and dragged the poor guy out of the room. The dragged guy had no clue what he was getting dragged into, literally.

Jin went over to Jimin and Taehyung. No words were needed and they knew what they had to do. Walking to their dorm and talking to Jungkook. While the other two walked to where Yoongi was at.

They needed to talk to them no matter what, otherwise this will most likely end up bad.


"Yoongi, come on, you need to talk to him at one point, you can't stick to me. It looks like you are the gum and I am the pavement." Hoseok exclaimed making Yoongi roll his eyes, if he wanted to act immature he sure as hell gonna act like it!

"We are just saying that you can't avoid him all the time, at one point you have to talk to him." Namjoon said making Yoongi shake his head.

"No I can't do this like that!" Yoongi said shaking his head.

"Ok, but you know, that if you don't get the boy I will get him. 'Cause damn those thighs are the best I have ever seen!" Hoseok smirked only to get a glare from Yoongi.

"What? I didn't make the rules, it's either you get the boy or I will. It doesn't matter, you are bound to stuck. That's exactly why he is hurt so much, he fell in love with you, you hurt him. The thing is soulmates feelings are harder then for those who aren't soulmates. Either you correct the beauty mistake or not!" Hoseok told making the other two let their jaw hang wide open.

"Where did all that come from Hoseok?" Namjoon asked making Hoseok chuckle.

"I wanted to know how exactly it works with soulmates, so I went to the library and read a book. Isn't it great?" Hoseok explained, so Namjoon smiled at him nodding. They  started to talk to each other.

"Could you stop talking like I am not here because I am here!" Namjoon and Hoseok ignored Yoongi and talked as if they didn't care one bit about Yoongi's presence. Until Yoongi got fed up.

"Ya know it's either him leaving or me leaving, I prefer me leaving you don't even need me!" This made the other two's head snap up and look at the oldest in the room in disbelief.


Jin, Taehyung and Jimin knocked on Jungkook's door. They didn't heard anything but knew that Jungkook was inside. So Jin opened the door and they walked in. A sigh escaped all three of them upon seeing the youngest.

A burrito wrap.

That was how you could describe him. So all three of them sat down in the room, Jin on the bed, Tae and Jimin on the ground. So they could talk to the younger, who glared, which looked comical since the top of his head until his eyes, those parts were visible.

"Jungkook, you can't avoid him forever. This isn't only effecting you it's effecting the whole team. If two of us aren't on good terms the rest will suffer under it too. Jungkook just talk to him!" Jin said ruffling the youngers hair. The younger just grumbled.

"Kookie, we know you love him and we know you are hurt, but you will never know what really happened." Taehyung started making Jungkook snort.

"Yeah sure, Yoongi is not one to talk much!" Jungkook stated, muffled by the blanket wrapped around him.

"Jungkook, come on, if Taehyung and I never spoke with each when we had problems we wouldn't be here now like this. Disgustingly sweet!" Jimin explained to the younger.

"At least you know you are disgustingly sweet." Jungkook simply said, making Jin laugh.

"He is right though JK and you know it!" Jin made the younger look up.

"I am giving up, I can't do this shit anymore, I don't know who my soulmate is and everything else is just effed up!" Jungkook looked at the others.

"I know we said we would do this all together, but I can't and I am terribly sorry. I just can't." Jungkook said with tears in his eyes.

"Is this because what happened during the school talent show?" Jin asked, making Jungkook shake his head.

"Maybe a little, do you know how embarrassing it is to have that happen to you? It's not even funny, it's a trauma!" Jungkook exaggerated, making the other boys nod their heads.

"Yes, we understand, but that doesn't mean you have to always reflect that upon every situation." Taehyung said wisely, so he made the younger shake his head.

"Forget it, I won't come to practice for a few, just leave me alone. Maybe I will leave too. Sorry." Jungkook apologized, the other three widened their eyes.

"God are you stupid? You are a little dipshit! You are over exaggerating. I don't care that you won't come for a few to practice, but quitting is cowardice! You can't run away from your problems forever!" Jin said running with his hand through his hair.

"I can try!" Jungkook said like a little kid.


Ayy double update!

Hahahaha this will take a little longer to stop

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