Im Youngmin pt.2

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Ara's POV

" Im Youngmin, w-what are you ? " I am so scared right now, with him in front of me.

" You wanna know who am I? Come, let me show you what I am. " he said as he hand out his hand to help me up and of course I refused to do so! You think I would let him help me up after what I saw in front of me?! He just freaking rip a man head off and burned him! What would you do if you were in my place? Oh, it's like I'm watching a live Twilight. It's like the scene when Edward come save Bella from James.

To my shock, I already on behind his back, is he giving me a piggyback ride or what. Or maybe not, I supossed it is, piggyback run! He is running at super fast level of speed. He is so fcking fast! I only closed my eyes as the cold wind keep hitting me. I am so cold and I am also on behind the back this cold human who's piggyback run me.

Then suddenly he stopped and put me down, carefully. Then he walked to the sunlight and I saw his face sparkling. Like a diamond.

" This is what I am, I am a vampire. I am a monster, Jo Ara. A monster is the answer of your question. " he said then he walk back to me. Then suddenly he whisper, " I'm a killer, Jo Ara " which sends me a shiver down to my spine. but being brave as I always be,

" Vampires are only a myth. They don't exist in real life. They only exist in fantasy world. " I said with arms crossed up to my chest.

" Being brave you are, eh. If I show you this, will you believe that vampires are not myth? " he said.

" Show me then, Mr.So-Called Vampire. " I said with a brave tone when deep inside I am scared to death.

" You will regret calling me like that, Jo Ara. " he said.

" Try me then. " I replied back only to received a chuckle as a reply.

" Come on, you won't want wasting any time. Hop on. " he said while facing his back to me means, I have to hop on his back. I do as he said then he started running at a very fast inhuman speed. Human can't run very fast like this, even Usain Bolt.

" We're arrived " are you freaking kidding me?! We just like leave 10 secs ago and he's already arrived somewhere which is 10 km away from our place earlier. Should I believe what he said earlier, vampire thingy? But vampire is only a myth.

" See there. That's where I come from. It called, MXV Town. Monster X Vampire. Vampire can turn into vampire sometimes or they already are. The ruler of this town is, my father. We here, learned to be good to humans so that human won't found out hiding place, we learned not to drink blood so often. We starved ourselves here since it's one of the rule that my dad made. We go hunting in that forest, for our thirst. We only drink animal's blood. We've been trained not too drink human blood so that we won't get controlled by our thirst when we got out from this town for school or whatever. " he explained. Ah, I see. But I still don't believe in vampire. Hehe, how stubborn I am.

" Still don't believe in vampires? Still believe that they are only myths? " he said.

" Yah! How can you know what I'm thinking? " I asked.

" Stupid, vampire can read minds you idiot. How can you get number one in school when you didn't know a basic knowledge? " he tsked.

" Yah! Don't you dare 'tsked' me! " I said.

" I already are " he tsked again.

" Yah! Do you want to pick up a fight with me?! " I said while giving me a death glare.

" Come on, I'm sure I will win. Since I am more stronger than you because I am not human so I have an inhuman strength so you can't beat me. " he sticks out his tongue after he finished his sentence. I wish to cut that tongue of his but relax since I am not a person who like to kills.

Then I started pushed him then he pushed me back making me a little step backwards from where I am. I started to punch his arms and shoulder many times and I know he doesn't feel anything since he is not human. He's a vampire. What I did only a waste.

" Are you done? You're wasting you time and energy. " he said while eyes still fixed on his town. I won't give up so I keep punching his shoulder and arms then I moved to his back. Then suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pinned me down to the ground and HE IS FREAKING ON THE TOP OF ME!!! My eyes went wide. I didn't expect him to do that.

" Yah, Im Youngmin. What are you doing? " I asked with a shaky voice but his eyes still stared into mine. Like he's reading my mind or he already is. Like he's talking to my soul, what the fudge am I talking about? I started to talk nonsense. Idiot! Then suddenly he chuckled. I looked at him.

" Why did you chuckled? " I asked.

" What the hell are thinking in that stupid brain of yours? Talking to your soul? The hell is that? " then he started to laugh out loud but still remain being on top of me.

" Yeah laugh it loud as you want but can you get off from me? How long are we gonna stay in this position? " I said. Then he looked into my eyes again. Now I regretted saying that.

" Till you're being immortal, like me. " what does he mean by that then I feel a soft yet cold lips on mine. Is he kissing me? Is Im Youngmin kissing me?! No wonder his lips cold and not hot like other guy. Then suddenly he pulled away from the kiss.

" Yah! I know my lips are cold but you don't have to compared me to other guy which are human when I'm not! " he whined. Haha cute.

" Cute? Hehe. You called me cute because I just whined. Hehe. " he said then he kissed me again, this time passionately. I responded to the kiss. He move his lips making our lips moved in sync and I do responded to it also. Of course. I'm in love with the vampire.

" While I'm in love with human " he said between our kisses.


Happy ending!!! Vampire is in love with a human! Kyaaahhhhhh! It's totally like Twilight you know. Well, don't be a silent reader and!

Please support MXM, BNM new group. Im Youngmin and Kim Donghyun are the members. Kyaahhhh, I want to see Youngmin perform back on the stage.

Well Bad News!!! My new home don't have wifi!!!! Wuarghhh!!!

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