Joo Haknyeon pt.3

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*8 years later*

Sua's POV

" Omma! Appa! I'm home! " yes, I'm home from being on a stranger land for 6 years and half. Where is that stranger land? It's USA. I'm majored in law. Yes, I want to be a prosecutor. Wondering where I get the money from? Well, I work many part-time when I was in high school. Maybe, 10? 15? I don't know, too many to count? And Mrs.Kang felt so happy when she heard the news about me so she covered a little bit for my study. But every year she pays for my school fees.

" Oh, Sua my daughter! Why don't you told us that you're going to be home today? You should've told us so that we can fetch you up at the airport. " Omma said.

" Anpilyohae omma. Gwaenchana. *안필요해 엄마. 괜찮아. No need mom. It's okay.* " I said.

" How is your study there? All good? You should be doing good since the one who covered your study there is Mrs. Kang so you should make her proud of you. " omma said.

" Omma, all good. I even got my master in law. I am now thinking if I should continue studying until I get my phD. Is it okay omma if I want to continue? Omma? Appa? " I asked. I really want to continue until I get my phD. Jebal.

" We would glad to agree with you but how about money? It will costs a big truck of money. Where will we get that kind of big money? " omma said.

" Omma, you think when I'm studying there, I don't do anything but only study? Ani, omma. I work at the same time. My hard work pays off. " yeah, there in USA, while I was an intern in the prosecutor office, each hour 15 dollars? For 5 months?

While at night, I work as a bartender in this one famous bar. Each hour, they pays me 50 dollar and I work for 7 hours so it's 350 dollar for a day. For 3 years? Count it by yourself. By the weekends, I became a private tutor that pays me 30 dollar each hour and I work for 15 hours a day in weekends. 450 dollar for a day.

" You sure do save a lot there. Good girl. You have a really bright future my daughter. " appa said as he patted my head.

" Omma, appa. I'll put my luggages upstairs first and I want to take a rest. Jet lag you know. It's hurt. " I said as I walked upstairs with my luggages.

Haknyeon's POV

" Court final decision for defendant 1703. Defendant will be given death sentence for murder and rape a 15 years old girl. " dduk, dduk. The sound of the gavel echoing the court as soon as the final decision made by the main judge which is me. Judge Joo Haknyeon.

" Gosaeng manhesseubnida, judge Joo. *you did a great job, 고생 만헸읍니다* " judge Cha said. She is the second judge with me earlier. I'm the main then she's the second.

" You too, judge Cha. " she nodded as a reply. Then I went into my office and sit onto my comfortable chair. Then after 25 minutes, someone knocked.

" Come in. " I said then reveals Ms.Cha with some envelope in her hand. Then she placed the envelope on my desk.

" It's the next month trial information. Suspect, Goo Seungyeon. Victim, Han Jae Jun. " she explained.

" Han Jae Jun? You mean, Haneul Group owner, Han Jae Seok's son? " like really? Then she nodded.

" First trial date which is next month, May 13 2025. Second trial date, November 24 2025. Final trial and the decision will be made by you, April 18 2026. She may found guilty you know. How can a girlfriend murdered her boyfriend? By the way, I'll be one of the judges too. And, prosecutor in charge is prosecutor Choi. She is from America. She just arrived today. She is one of the best prosecutor there. I hope she can do well in Korea as well. " prosecutor Choi? Which Choi?

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