1. Skater Skirts & Books

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"Hey guys, Faith here," I started my 100th MyTube video, "since this is my 100th video on MyTube, I thought maybe we'd switch it up a little. Instead of the usual book review, I thought 'why not make a song?' So I did," I giggled, "so that's exactly what I did. I made a silly song for you guys and I hope you like it. Thank you so much for all the support and I'll see you guys next week." I clicked the shutter button and ended the video.

Yes, I was a MyTuber. It was my only way of expressing myself and speaking out, without actual human contact.

My dad actually kept me hostage most of the time. He rarely let me out of the house and when I was out, he always called. It wasn't because he was some psycho creep, it was cause he was simply over protective. However, he gave me everything I wanted and didn't nag me about me always staying cooped up in my room.

Ever since we lost my mom, I started pushing all of my friends away and shutting out everyone and everything. That's where MyTube comes in. I was always a huge fan of the website and then one day I thought 'why not give it a try?' When I got really successful off of it, I kept up and now I had more than 700,000 subscribers.

It gave me awesome opportunities, but of course I could only accept some, as my dad didn't let me fly out to other cities. They did pay me, however, and that was amazing due to me having to save for college.

My dad thought my MyTube career was great and he supported me wholeheartedly. The kids at school were a different story. I constantly got picked on and made fun of. They would call me names and say I was a freak for talking to my camera every week. I tried my best to not let it get to me, but it was hard sometimes.

That's mostly the reason why I always had my face in a book. Every week, I'd be reading something different. Sometimes it'd be every 2-3 days, depending on how good the book was.

Anyways, back to reality. After I finished editing my video and adding the clip of the funky song I wrote, I uploaded it. I checked my twitter and saw my so called 'fans' tweeting out the link.

I absolutely loved these people. I felt closer and more connected to them than I did to the actual people around me. It was quite sad, but comforting knowing there are people that care about me.

I shut my laptop and decided to see what my dad was doing. I walked across the hall to his office and saw him sitting at his desk, as usual. "Hey daddy," I said walking in.

"Hey hun," he smiled at me.

"I need to go to the mall," I said.

He pulled down his glasses, "For what?"

"Clothes and new books for next weeks video," I explained.

He handed me the keys, "Don't take too long. I'll be calling you."

I gave his cheek a kiss, "I know, love ya."

I went back to my room to get myself ready. Even though I wasn't trying to impress anyone, I still liked to take my time.

Since it was the middle of summer, I picked out a denim, tank, crop top, a pale pink skater skirt, and my white vans. After I changed, I fixed my hair into a fishtail braid.

I unhooked my phone from its charger and grabbed my black sunglasses from my dresser. Before exiting my room, I snatched my bag from the hook behind my door.

I took my keys from the key holder and left the house. As I was on my way, I blasted my music and sang along. "Why do we waste time hiding it inside? I want you to be mine! Now it's bent and gone you say what you would've done. You would've been there, I wished you'd been there. I needed you there!" I shouted. The xx was one of my favorite bands and I never got enough of them.

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