12. Feel Again

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"So what's up with you and Chris?" I ask Jazmyn, as we drive to the pier.

"Nothing really, we just hook up a lot," she says, in the most casual voice ever.

"So you're telling me that you don't have the slightest crush on him?"

She scoffs, "No."

"Yeah right," I laugh, shoving her lightly.

"What? I don't and if I did, it's not like Justin would let anything happen," she said, looking out of the window.

"Do you want anything to happen?" I ask, pulling into a parking space.

She shrugs, "I don't know, to be honest. I like how it is now. No strings attached, we both get something out of it, and I still get to see other people."

"So you're basically doing what Justin and Karina do," I say.

"No, they've done more worse things than you can imagine," as soon as she says that, she gives me a look of sympathy, "Erase that. Chris and I are nothing like them. They're fucked up."

I nod trying to rid my mind of what she just said, "Why are they together if they don't like each other?"

"Ask my brother." She opens the car door and gets out, before I could ask anything else. I sigh heavily and join her into the summer afternoon.

We walk to the pier and get ourselves large drinks, a thing that's become a habit. The guy that serves us makes it blatantly obvious that he's taken an interest in me and I don't try to hide my attraction to him. His eyes are such a bright green, if the lights were to go off, I swear they'd be glow in the dark.

"Whoa, Mr. bright eyes over there hasn't stopped looking at you," Jazmyn says.

"He's so hot," I gush.

"Get his number," she pokes my arm.

Immediately, I think of Justin, but then I think of Karina and I go for it. I take my now half way empty soda up to the counter and bite on the straw waiting for him to take notice. Before he does, another employee does and she begins walking towards me, but the guy stops her, looks at me, smiles, and tells the girl something. She nods and walks the opposite way. He's now making his way to me and I flash him a huge smile. "How can I help you?" He says, his piercing eyes boring into mine.

"Can I have a refill?" I ask in the most polite voice I can muster.

He takes my cup and points it at me, "Take off the lid." I do as he says and he purposely scoots his hand upwards so our hands brush against each other. I laugh and so does he. He comes back with my freshly new Pepsi and slides it to me. "What's your name?"

"Faith," I answer, "what's yours?"

"Destiny," he jokes, "get it Faith and Destiny."

I laugh at his lame attempt at making a joke, "That's cheesy as hell, but nice try."

"It's Adam," he says, pointing to his name tag.

"Right, I knew that. Anyways, your eyes seem to have been crawling all over me."

"You're pretty," he points out, "that's why."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrow and he smiles, "You're lucky because I just so happen to think you're very good looking yourself."

"I have an idea," he says, "how about we exchange numbers and we hang out very soon.

"You're good," I smile. He pulls out his phone and gives it to me, as I give him mine. I add myself to his contacts and hand it back. "Thanks for the refill."

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