11. Please Please Me

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*2 weeks later*

Ever since the day after Justin and I went to the beach, we've been seeing each other almost daily. We'd talked everything out and I came to the conclusion that I was just paranoid and making excuses as to why I shouldn't be with him. However, I can finally admit that I do want to be with him. Maybe not now, but sometime. We hadn't put a label on anything and I kind of liked that. I didn't feel pressured to see him or talk to him all the time and when someone flirted with me, I didn't feel guilty about it. It was as if we were just friends, but except we kissed a lot ;)

After we decided we'd be talking, I let Jazmyn know. She said she'd lost friends because of her brother before, but I wouldn't let that happen. We hung out just as much as Justin and I, maybe even more. We went out all the time and we'd made quite a few memories already. She's such an amazing person and if things didn't work with Justin, I'd still choose to stay friends with her.

The date I promised Justin went fantastic. That was actually the day I told him how I actually felt and he did, too in return. He drove me home, turned me into my dad, and kissed my forehead, being respectful of my dad's presence. My dad was still iffy about him, but I continuously assured him he had nothing to worry about.

Because Justin had already met my dad, he said it'd only be fair if I met his parents. I won't lie, when he mentioned it, I was a little scared and nervous, but after having a little girl talk with Jazmyn, I felt much better.

So now, I'm sitting in my room trying to pick out a decent outfit for Sunday dinner with their family. I'd not only be having dinner with them, but Justin would be formally introducing me to his parents, or so that's what he said.

"From: Justin
Almost ready?"

"To: Justin
I'm sitting on my bed with my pajamas about to cry from frustration. Does that sound ready enough?"

"From: Justin
Wear a dress, I like you in those (;"

"To: Justin
I hate you. see you inna bit"

I went with his suggestion and dug deep inside my closet. I had many dresses, but they were all stored away due to me having nowhere to wear them to. Now, that I have the perfect occasion, I couldn't find a single one.

The only one I could find was a white boat neck skater dress that had lace going off the sleeves. It wasn't too bad looking, so I stuck with it. I slipped it on and adjusted nude colored pumps on my feet, a small bow complimenting the side of it. My hair and makeup were already done, so I was ready. It was 5:15 and they started dinner at 6, so I decided to leave.

I walked down the stairs, my white clutch in hand and trotted over to where my dad was. "I'm heading out. I'll be back later," I said.

"Okay. Drive safe and call me when you get there." He kissed my forehead and off I was.

Pulling up to the familiar green house, this time, was nerve wrecking. I stumbled a bit walking up the steps of how nervous I was. I'd been to a few dinners with them, so I don't know why I was so shaken up. Maybe because this time his parents would know that I'm the one that gave Justin those marks on his neck. Embarrassing!

I knocked lightly on the door, silently praying Jazmyn would answer. She didn't. "Faith, just on time," Jeremy said, welcoming me into the house.

"Good afternoon, Jeremy. I'm glad to be back," I say.

"We're happy to have you. C'mon, everyone's in the dining room." I followed behind him, hoping everyone wasn't actually there. I stepped inside and Jazmyn and Pattie looked up at me.

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