9. Take Me Home

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After they left, I was still trying to rid my mind of Justin's words. They were so dominate and almost felt real. The look in his eyes was intense, which only made it that much harder to get over. As I tried to edit the video, all I could think of was him. Him being in the video didn't help at all either.

I left in the parts Jazmyn, Justin, and Chris messed up on and added even more bloopers to the end, even the ones where I would be talking and I'd mess up and Justin would turn to look at me with a huge smile on his face. I also added in ones of Jazmyn and Chris taking secret glances at each other, that was even cuter.

After almost 3 hours of cutting, adding music and sound effects, I was done. I uploaded it to MyTube and instantly tweeted about it.

"@Fayth_Adams: just what y'all asked for! Hope you like it & don't forget to give it a thumbs up. Mwuaahh, love you loves"

Instead of scrolling through my mentions like I always did, I decided against it this time. I knew there'd be screenshots of many things and nope, I didn't wanna see. It was 5 already and I hadn't gone outside of my room except to have breakfast and to walk Jazmyn out.

I shut my laptop screen and walked downstairs. Before I could walk into the kitchen, I heard giggles and then a kiss noise. I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue. Maybe I should've just stayed in my room. I walked in entirely, making Jen step a little closer to my dad. I fake smiled, "What's up, nasties?"

"Faith," my dads menacing voice making me crack a smile.

"What?" I look over at Jen and she's trying her best not to spit every cuss word she can think of at me.

"How's your day been?" She asks me.

"Okay, besides, y'know," I raised my eyebrow and looked her up and down, "that incident that will never happen again."

"Faith, what're your plans this evening?" My dad asks, changing the subject.

"I already filmed and edited, so nothing."

"Come with Jen and I to dinner," he suggests.

I stifle a laugh, "Yes, let me go grab my coat."

He squints his eyes at me, "I'm not messing around. Come with us."

"I'd rather get take out."

"Nope, now you're coming with us. Go get ready," he says.

"I already am," I say, looking down at my perfect outfit, or so I thought it was perfect.

"It's a more elegant place. Go change." He motions his head towards the stairs.

"If I get bored, I'm leaving." I put my water bottle back in the fridge and scurry up the steps to find something more 'elegant.'

I tear my closet doors open and throw every hanger possible down until I find a dress, a dress my mom bought me that I hadn't worn in a long while. I pick it up from the floor and hold it up against my body. When she bought it, I remember not liking it because my body never fit it. I was always too skinny. I could almost assure you that was no longer me and I would more than likely fit into it perfectly.

I stripped from my clothes and slipped into it. Just like I predicted, it fit perfect. The lace on my left side let a little bit of skin show, but not too much. Also, the slit that ran up my leg made it less hot and the short sleeves were a plus. The middle hugged my body just right and I absolutely loved it. I smiled at myself in the mirror, tears wanting to build up. Before they could, I swallowed the sudden sadness down and brought myself back to reality. I slipped my feet into velvet black heels and fixed up my hair a little more.

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