7. Fascinations

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The next morning was terrible, absolutely terrible. I had no recollections of the day before, except for some moments here and there, but other then that, I was clueless. All I know is that I woke up with what felt like a life threatening headache and a case of serious vomit.

The house was cleaned up, but I wouldn't know if I did it or someone else did. In fact, the last thing I could remember is Justin. He was standing ontop of the kitchen counter rocking his fine ass body.

I smiled at the memory. He had requested Rockin' That Thang by The Dream and immediately jumped onto the counter. As soon as it started, he began lip syncing along and pointing at me every so often. When it got to the chorus, he took off his shirt and started rocking his body in ways that made me jealous of the air that surrounded him. My smile widened just thinking of him and I threw myself on the couch in the living room.

My dad would be here soon, so I had to make sure everything looked normal and clean. So far, from what I could see, everything was as it was before the party. Just as I was about to make myself some breakfast, my phone sounded. I ran upstairs and answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, lightweight," Jazzy said from the other end.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to make my food, "Whatever. What's up?"

"Just making sure you were alive. You had a lot to drink last night."

"I know. I can feel it," I groaned, "do you know who cleaned up?"

"Nope, I left right after you went up to your room. Anyways, let's do something."

"I feel like shit! Why do you not sound affected by anything?"

"I've done this many times," she said, "I know how to hang."

I shook my head, "Welp, I'm not you, so that means I have to deal with the consequences."

"How about you come over for our Sunday dinner tonight? My mom lets us invite one person and I can't remember the last time I invited one of my friends."

"Sounds nice. What should I wear?" I ask.

"Nothing too fancy, but don't come in jeans either. My mom's really strict about our attire."

"Got it. See you later." I hung up and continued on making my pancakes.

While I sat at the table gobbling them down, I heard the front door open. "Are you up, Angel?"

That name sounded fairly familiar, but I couldn't figure out where I heard it before. "In here!" I shouted out to my dad.

He set his keys down on the counter and poured himself a glass of orange juice. "How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Like a baby," I smiled, "how was work?"

"Not that interesting, although I did see Jen." I rolled my eyes at her name and he laughed. "I'm gonna get some sleep. We'll get lunch later." He kissed my forehead and walked up to his room.

Because my head was still pounding and I had no desire to go out, I decided I'd start looking for my outfit for later. Jazmyn said her mom was strict about clothes, so I was sure it'd take me a while to come up with something decent.

After trying on about 10 different outfits and God knows how many shoes, I finally found something. I picked out a black, halter, off the shoulder, high low dress. I paired it with red pumps with a strap across my ankle and some accessories. I laid it across my bed and decided to get ready for lunch.

I took a 30 minute shower and blow dried my hair, so I could curl it later. I threw on a Jake Miller shirt, ripped shorts, and my white converse. "Faith!" My dad called out.

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