6. Not So Angelic

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"Wait, what?" Jazmyn asked, her tone confused.

"My dads going to work right now and he won't be back until tomorrow morning around 10. I have nothing to do for the rest of the day and I've never thrown a party, so why not? It seems like the type of thing you'd do," I explained.

"I actually have done that, multiple times," she laughed.

"See, so then it won't be as hard to help me plan it or whatever you do."

"How many people are you trying to invite?" She smirks a devious smirk.

I raised my eyebrow at her, "Not much but not just a group either."

"I'll get on it. You can start getting the liquor," she said.

"I'm not 21."

"But you look it," she leaned over the table and pulled down my shirt, "show some cleavage. It works every time at the mini mart next to my house."

I shake my head and laugh, "You're crazy. Let's go." She laughs along and follows behind me.

Before we could get back to the beach parking lot, a few people approach me for pictures and Jazmyn takes them. I sign their phones and then head to my car. "Don't you feel so loved and important when that happens?" Jazmyn asks.

"Every time, it never gets old," I say.

Just as we approached my car, Jaz's idiot brother was waiting for us there. "What do you want, shit head?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I heard your having a party," Justin said to me.

My mouth fell open and I look over at Jaz, "What the hell? That was fast."

She smiled, "Told you," she looks back at her brother, "but I didn't invite you."

"I was invited by someone you invited, which is my best friend, idiot," he retorted.

"It's my house," I jumped in.

"And you're not gonna let me in?" He stifled a laugh.

"Why should I?" It was my turn to cross my arms over my chest. I saw his eyes take a glance down and I pulled up my shirt, "Not for your eyes, it's for whoever sells liquor at the store next to your house."

He smirked and look back up at me, "That would be my best friend, the one Jazmyn invited."

I looked over at her, "You show your brothers best friend your cleavage to get drinks?"

She shook her head, "Nope, I just show it to get him all weak," she laughs, "it works every time."

"So then I don't have to?" I asked.

"Maybe just a little and then tell him you're there for me."

"Um, hello! I'm right here!" Justin waved his hand around.

"Congratulations," Jazmyn joked, "now get away or she'll run you over." She walked over to her side and I stayed on mine, where Justin was.

"Can you move? I have things to do," I say.

"Why are you acting weird?"

"Same reason you were a dick to me when you were with your girlfriend," I bit back.

He rolled his eyes, "She's not my girlfriend."

"Keep telling yourself that." I shove him away and get into the car.

When I pull up at the mini mart just a few blocks from Jazmyn's house, I unbuckle myself and do as she said. Before coming in, I pulled my shirt down just enough to get this guy she was talking about weak.

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