3. Ride Along

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"Faith Brianne, get up now!" My dad yelled from the other side of the door, banging ferociously on it.

I groaned and turned over, looking at the clock. It was 7:30 a.m. "If you don't-"

"I'm up!" I shouted back.

"You better be ready in 20 minutes!"

I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed. I used the restroom and quickly jumped into the shower. I had no time to put any makeup on, so I simply put on mascara.

I dug around my drawers and found a striped black and white crop top to match my black skater skirt. I slipped on some socks and slid my feet inside my black combat boots.

"5 minutes!" I heard my dad shout. Ugh, this man was so impatient.

I grabbed my white hobo bag from the back of my door and shoved my phone inside. As I opened the door, my dad was just about to knock. "You're buying me something to eat," I said to him.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, geez! Couldn't you take the night shift or something?"

"I have both today."

"No way! I am not staying with you all day and night, nope, I refuse!" I argued.

He laughed, "I'm keeping you until you learn how to talk to your father."

I rolled my eyes, "You're stopping by McDonalds."

By the time it was 2, I was already bored. We'd driven around what seemed like the entire city of Los Angeles and he stopped about 10 people. They probably all hated him.

"I learned my lesson. Can you take me home now?" I asked with my most childish girly voice.

"Don't give me that voice. I'm keeping you until 8:30," he said.

I groaned, "Dad, that's way too long! The Vampire Diaries starts at 8!"

"Oh well," he shrugged, "you can watch it tomorrow."

"I'm going out tomorrow."

"With who?" He side eyed me.

"My new friend, I met her at the mall yesterday." I knew this wasn't about to go anywhere good. He always told me I had to watch who my friends were cause they might be using me cause I'm internet 'famous.'

"You know what I tell you about random people you meet," he started.

"Don't, please, just stop okay. This girl actually seems decent. She wasn't all fangirly and she acted like a normal person," I explained.

"Just watch yourself."

A couple more hours passed and it was now 8. Only 30 more minutes and I was finally gonna get home. I had convinced my dad to drive around to Calabasas and Encino. The houses were beyond amazing, but we couldn't go through the gated area.

We were now on our way around Santa Monica. My dad drove by the pier to make sure nothing was going on and proceeded down an alleyway. When we came to a halt, I looked over at him and he pointed ahead. I couldn't see anything. He turned his headlights on and pushed the button for the siren.

When he pulled up in front of two teenagers, I recognized one of their faces. It was Jazmyn's brother. My dad unbuckled himself and got out.

They had spray paint bottles in their hands and the wall behind them was tagged up. Their skateboards were laying on the floor, beside some backpacks.

I put my window down a little to listen in on what my dad was telling them. "What are you kids doing out here?" They stayed quiet and tried their best to avoid eye contact. "You guys know you'll be getting a ticket for vandalism right?" They nodded.

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