14. Changes Come

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The next 2 days go by in a blur and before I know it, I'm packing my bags and getting ready to go to Disney Day. If you don't know what that is, it's basically when we all go to Disneyland the day after Vidcon. So now here I am, in my hotel room, making sure I have all my belongings.

My phone vibrates in the pocket of my shorts, as I'm checking my outfit. I have on a plain white t-shirt that's tucked into my jean shorts with a red flannel tied around my waist. My hair is straightened and I have my usual converse on my feet. I feel the vibration once more and snap myself out of my little trance. "Hello?" I answer, not recognizing the number.

"We're waiting in the lobby," Jazmyn says.

"I'll be down in a minute." After Justin and I had made up, on the first day, I decided to get them a room in the same hotel to save them some gas.

"Hurry, Disney is gonna be packed."

"Did you get a phone?" I ask, lugging my bags with me out of the hotel room.

"This is Justin's phone."

"Oh, alright well I'm getting on the elevator now." I hang up and add Justin's name back in my contacts. Ever since we stopped talking, I deleted it so I wouldn't get the urge to text or call him.

The doors ding open and I roll my suitcase along with me. I can't see Jaz or Justin, in this swarm of people. Everyone's trying to check out, get a cab, or saying their farewells to their friends that live away from here.

"C'mon," I turn back and see Justin, "I took care of everything."

"I needa check out," I say.

"Nope, I got it already." He takes my luggage and my hand. On our way out, I say bye to Heather and Abraham.

"It was so nice to see you guys again," I say, hugging them.

"Same here," Abraham says. He holds me close to him for longer than expected, and I feel Justin tug on the hand he's holding. I break apart from him and stand back next to Justin.

"Alright, well I'll see you guys soon."

Disneyland wasn't far from here, so we didn't get that bad of parking. I had already let my dad know I'd be home late, and he was surprisingly okay with it. After waiting in line for ages, we were finally inside. Because it was a Sunday, there were a lot of people.

The first thing I went to was Mickey's ToonTown. It was the one with the least people of my age, but meeting Minnie and the rest of the characters is always a must for me when I come here.

"Are you kidding?" Jazmyn laughs.

"No," I say, standing behind the little kids waiting to meet Goofy.

"We can come back later, there's too many people right now," she says.

"Yeah, let's go get on some rides first," Justin tugged at my hand.

I rolled my eyes at them, "Fine."

As we walked out of the ToonTown area, I began getting recognized. I had glasses on in hopes they'd do something, but apparently it didn't work. I wasn't exactly trying to disguise myself, but I wasn't trying to walk around freely either. "Faith, can we get a picture? We didn't get to go inside at your meetup," a group of girls says.

"Yes, of course," I say, "do y'all want a group one or individuals?"

"We'll get a group one since we know you're busy," one of them says, looking over at Jaz & Justin. They wave. The same girl walks over to Jazmyn and hands her her phone. She snaps 3 different pictures and then they disperse.

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