Jake's Misadventure #1: First day of School.

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The blaring of Jake's alarm clock wasn't enough to raise him from his deep sleep. 

"Jake! Time for school! If you're not up in five minutes, I will come in with a spray bottle!"

His dreams disperse from his subconscious at an inconvenient time. He resentfully awakens from his slumber. He smacks the alarm clock as the annoying vibrations of the mechanism cease. Jake sits up for a moment, his bed covered by a mesmerizing sky blue blanket. Jake checks his brown leather watch to signal the most dreadful day of his life,  the first day of school. Jake turns to his door, counting down the minutes before inevitably rising from his bed, and proceeds to the bathroom begrudgingly. Jake washes his tiresome eyes and begins to brush his teeth. His red-rimmed eyes stare back at him in the mirror, making him cringe. He glides a hand across his tall and dry, yet curly hair to reveal an unattractive mat of black hair meshing together. Jake pokes and prods before fixing his hair to look at least a bit presentable. Jake advances to the right corner of his room to reveal a messy closet filled with clothes draped all over the top two shelves. His first instinct was to nab his familiar "Metallica" shirt. Jake sniffs the shirt before settling into it just like he's done countless times before.

Today marks the first day of Jake's sophomore year of High School. Schools have never been a good place for Jake. Relentless bullies of Wesleyan High make sure to harass Jake whenever they can. Freshman year wasn't all bad though. When he wasn't getting his books knocked down or barely keeping attention to algebra, Jake was either home or at the delicious hamburger joint Shake Shack in the small town of Everton.

Jake liked to think he was alone. His insecurities scream it to be true; however, he couldn't deny the presence, of two of his closest friends. One is named Tristan Matthews. He lives on the infamous Wade Road; which is filled with trailers of struggling families and where drunks go to die. Tristan is a rebel by nature, always wanting to do something he isn't supposed to do. And right behind him would be Jake with his squeaky clean shoes and his nicely pressed shirt and pants and a different lunchbox every single day, depicting a different hero every single time. Ever since they were young, Jake appeased Tristan whenever he can, even sharing his lunch with him. Over time, this friendship grew into a brotherhood. 

Three loud knocks are heard from the opposite side of the bedroom door. 

"Got to hurry up in there, bud. I wouldn't want you to miss your breakfast." Jake sighs while grabbing his bulky backpack. He marches down the steps and passes by two massive windows plastered across the living room wall with beige curtains keeping the contents of the house confidential. Walking towards the kitchen area, east of the living room, Jake notices a familiar face at the kitchen table as he goes to sit. 

With his familiar leather jacket, Tristan is looming over a bowl of cereal, obnoxiously slurping what's left of the milk. Jake gives a curious eyebrow toward his father who happens to sit at the end of the mahogany table with his legs crossed and a large newspaper in hand. Tristan looks up to match the gaze of an entertained look from Jake.

 "Please tell me you're not wearing that god-awful Metallica shirt, "Jake smirks while shrugging his shoulders. He laughs as Tristan rolled his eyes. 

"Mr. F, please tell me you're not condoning this." Gerry peeps upward out of his newspaper bubble and notices the shirt. 

"You have so much better shirts to put on. I swear I think your closet is filled with just Metallica shirts. Don't you want to impress on your first day?" 

"I was actually dreading this day all summer. It feels like we were just in school eight weeks ago!"

 Jake scarfs down his cereal before dumping the plate in the sink without care. Jake says his goodbyes before heading towards the door with Tristan. Opening the door he reveals another familiar face.  Beth Sanders. She wears a blue and white striped shirt with a blue cardigan to match. Her brown eyes mesmerize Jake. Standing there awkwardly for just a moment, Beth smiles. 

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