Jake's Misadventure #3: First Date!

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The next night. . . 

"I don't think you know what an actual emergency is." Tristan crossed his arms, his gaze dark and grim. Jake smiled sheepishly before rising from his basement couch. He points towards his phone and smiled. 

"You'll be glad that I called you down here Tristan. Your boy, your protege Jake Foley is FINALLY going on a date." Jake clapped his hand once for excitement, but Tristan's stagnant expression expresses all. 

"You're telling me that you called me to meet you here  in the middle of the night while I was making moves on Trish, just so I can be told that you just made your first date official?" Jake smiled and nodded. 

"Aren't you happy?" 

One minute of prolonged silence ensued. Tristan stares at Jake throughout the minute of long silence. Sighing, Tristan turns his head towards the staircase of the basement. 

"I'm out of here." Jake ran towards the staircase and somehow was able to beat Tristan to the foot of the basement staircase. Jake holds his hands out in a pleading motion. 

"Tristan, I need your help! That's the reason why I called. You've been on endless amount of dates and I was hoping you would be a good friend and help me. I like her and I don't want to mess this up." Tristan began to laugh a bit.

"Have you ever thought about just being yourself Foley? Dates aren't a big thing the way other people make them out to be. Just imagine instead of texting her things you want to say, you'll be directly in front of her this time." Jake began to shake his head rapidly. 

"Are you TRYING TO SCARE ME!? . . .  Because it's working." Tristan rolled his eyes. 

"You can't expect me to be here, doing this with you right now when I have Trish waiting for me in her room. You understand right, bro?" 

Jake refused to move. 

"And here I thought you would be an actual friend and help me! Tonight could not be the first night you two have 'shagged.' " Tristan raises a finger and proceeded to interrupt Jake but Jake beats him to the punch. 

"And you can't lie about it, I saw you two yesterday skipping class already and heading towards 'Makeout Central.' ---" 

"DAMN!" Tristan rolled his eyes once more before staring a hole into Jake. 

"All I ask is for you to be a friend Tristan and help me----" 

"Alright! Shit. Sit down." 

A few minutes passed and Jake couldn't recognize the man who's in front of him. Tristan took off his signature leather jacket, to reveal a slim black shirt that hugged his shoulders and upper arms well. 

"Dates are not a hard thing like I've told you Foley. If you follow these three rules, your night should run smoothly. Get some notes out or something! I'm not repeating this twice." Jake scrambled for his phone, unlocked it and began to create a note. 

"It was a good call for you to eat at the shack tonight with her. But you must sit her in the curved booths near the back of the place. The reason being is that you want to sit next to her so you can determine whether or not she's into you." Tristan risen his index finger. 

"Rule number one, do not try to be like anyone but yourself. But it doesn't hurt to exaggerate your best qualities. Steer conversations to something you know of. Once this happens, you will look like you know what you're talking about and can hold a conversation. I don't see any note taking!" 

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