Jake's Misadventure #17: Winter Formal Shenanigans Part Two.

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Jake watches as the love of his life drives away with another man. Jake sighs, digging his hands in his pockets. From a far, Trish notices the body language of Jake. She mutters to herself before going inside to collect her things. Jake hangs his head low as he proceeds home, empty handed. Arriving home, Jake opens the door to reveal an already dressed Tristan. 

"Wow, that was fast." Tristan shrugs his shoulders, still refusing to move out of the way of the doorway. Tristan takes one look at Jake and sighs. 

"You're not going to sit here and sulk about this girl any longer. You are coming with me." Jake shakes his head. 

"I'm just not feeling up to it today." Tristan grabs Jake's shoulders forcefully. 

"Jake, for the love of God, you need to go out and make some mistakes." Jake raises a curious eyebrow, noticing the serious look on Tristan's face. 

"You need to go out and live your life. Stopping thinking too much. Because then you'll be stuck in this think tank of your thoughts whenever you have to make a decision. It's time to jump off that cliff, it's time for you to make that mistake and finally, it's time for you to start living. That's why you're coming with me and I'm not taking no as an answer." 

As if on cue, a white hatchback slowly rolls into the driveway. Gus honks his horn as Tristan opens the door, still blocking the pathway to upstairs. Jake sighs, already having a rough night he appears to have no energy, no energy to even argue with Tristan. 


Jake takes off his dress coat and places it on the hook near the door. Revealing just a plain white dress shirt underneath, Jake nods to Tristan before walking out in the cold fresh air. 

Tristan wraps an arm around Jake before shutting the front door. 

"That's the word I like to hear. No worries mate, by the end of the night you won't even remember Beth's face." Tristan laughs while walking in unison to the car. Tristan races to the driver side and screams 

"SHOT GUN NO BLITZ." Jake sighs, walking to the back. Gus is laid back in his driver's seat with one arm stretching behind his seat. 

"Welcome to the party bus amigos. My only rule is no open bottles of alcohol and oh if you vomit on my fresh carpet, you're paying to get it clean." Gus smiles before noticing the gloom demeanor of Jake. Gus lowers his voice, peering his head to Tristan. 

"Is he alright?" Tristan shrugs his shoulders after he places his seat belt on. 

"I have no clue. But by the end of the night he will be." Gus turns on the radio and raises the volume to a reasonable level before backing out of the driveway.

Jake didn't bother to partake in the festive talks happening in the car, all he could do is stare out the window. Neighborhoods, cars and even people became a blur to him as he whizzes past them all. He couldn't help but think about Beth. He couldn't help but flashback to that moment consistently. 

He blinks his eyes as his mind wanders to the dance. 

"I hope you find your happiness." He feels the small of her back on his palms. He still smells her perfume. He still feels her presence. The hauntingly beautiful song 'The night we met' continues to play in his head. 

"Jake, hang in there. We're almost there." That's when Jake took a long look at the neighborhood. It was then he knew where they were going. 

"Why are you taking me to Trish's house?" 

Tristan instantly turns to Gus. 

"Lock the doors." An instant sharp thump noise ensues, showcasing the locks doing it's magic. Tristan turns to Jake. 

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