Jake's Misadventure #21: In Repair

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A loud thud wakes Jake from his slumber. Opening his eyes he'd soon regret. Bright morning light peers from the windows near his bed. Rising slowly from his bed, Jake's head feels heavy. He instantly grasps his forehead as the thumping continues. 

"Shit." Jake instantly launches out of bed and runs to the bathroom. He grasps the doorknob but the doorknob doesn't budge. Jake groans, holding his head gently. 

"Whoever is in there needs to get out!" The door opens abruptly, to reveal a disgruntled Tristan. Tristan exits the restroom. Jake gives Tristan a dirty look & continues into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Jake runs the water in the sink. He desperately washes his face with cold water. He looks up and notices dry eyes and a messy bed hair. Suddenly, a memory from the night before play's in his head. 

 FLASHBACK: Last Night. 

 "What would you rather have me do? Sit there and do nothing knowing that you're ruining your life running after that selfish bitch? Or be your friend like I have been and push you in the right direction?" Tristan attempts to rise to his feet but his terrible balance kept him sitting on the cold front step. Jake drinks a bit from the bottle. 

"But that's not your choice to make! Who the hell are you to decide who's good for me and who isn't? It's my life and I'll make the decisions in it." 

Jake hears a soft knock on the door. 

"Go away." Jake let's the water run and hangs his head low. Jake hears feet shuffling on the carpet in the hallway. 

"Listen, I know you're upset at me but you have to understand that I did it to protect you." Jake, in a flash of anger approaches the door and opens it to stare at an even awful looking Tristan. 

"Who's to say I needed protection!? Beth isn't some gang member. She's our friend, remember?" Jake shuts off the sink water in the bathroom and walks past Tristan into his bedroom. Tristan, being too quick for Jake enters his room before Jake even had a chance to shut it. Jake groans before laying on his bed. 

"But you continue to make the same mistakes. I'm tired of seeing you moping around about her. That's why I took it upon myself to do what I did and what's happened since then? You've moved on Jake. Which is all I've ever wanted you to do. Did I want you moving on to my ex? Definitely not." Jake's disgruntled face sank a bit. Tristan shrugs his shoulders. 

"You thought I didn't know about that?" Jake rolls his eyes. 

"It is what it is between me and her. But that wouldn't have been possible if you haven't moved on. Because we all know you would still be here, moping about what's Beth doing and who Beth's seeing and all of that nonsense." 

After immediate silence, Tristan nods his head and scoffs. He walks out the door, leaving Jake alone with his scrambled thoughts. And the silence continues.

The first day back to school was a refresher for Jake. Needing a distraction, This time Jake doesn't mind learning something new. Heading out his door, Jake eyes Trish in his driveway. Trish flashes her beam lights. 

"Are you coming or what?" After a minute of contemplation and a slight breeze passing him by, Jake hops in the car. He immediately felt awkwardness coming from the car. Having not spoken to Trish for a few days, Jake ran out of thing's to say. Trish looks at Jake for a moment before backing out of the driveway and heading to school. 

"I haven't seen you in a couple of day's. Ever since that incident." Jake avoids eye contact and laughs nervously. 

"What do you mean incident? I don't remember a thing from that night." Trish raises a curious eyebrow. 

The Misadventures of Jake FoleyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz